New CPAP users

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New CPAP users

Post by MarkCPAPbuddy » Fri May 13, 2016 11:00 am

Hello.. I have been on the CPAP machine for seven months and am just now starting to feel the effects. New users - be patient. It may take time, but it is worth it.

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Re: New CPAP users

Post by spmccord » Fri May 13, 2016 11:38 am



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Re: New CPAP users

Post by LinkC » Fri May 13, 2016 2:31 pm

Your therapy happens AT night,
But not overnight...

Additional Comments: 11-14 cmH2O
The OSA patient died quietly in his sleep.
Unlike his passengers who died screaming as the car went over the cliff...


Re: New CPAP users

Post by Guest » Fri May 13, 2016 3:51 pm

Here's my experience and I hope it will helps you "newbies" to CPAP. By the way - (I have been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea}. They recommended CPAP. For the first three months I cussed out my CPAP every night. I hated the fact that I had to hook myself up to that. I absolutely hated it. Then, in a lucid moment of clarity, I realized that I was probably going to have the CPAP machine for the rest of my life. I surmised that I could:

(A) resist it
B) accept it.

I chose to accept it.

And, when I learned to accept it and started to appreciate what it's doing for my mood/ energy, et al. my life improved. A lot!
Is using a CPAP a hassle? Yes - Yes it is. Does it leak and make weird noises? Yes. But I believe that the benefits of using a CPAP far out way the hassles. Our health is everything, right? (mental and physical)… and sleep apnea can totally mess up your mental health - I know that, been there. (just ask my wife). Now, I call my CPAP my "Breathing Buddy" and it's starting to make a world of difference. Extreme daytime sleepiness? Gone! Brain Fog. Gone! Irritability? Gone!

Folks, the brain needs oxygen. If it is not getting enough oxygen, it can really mess you up. Your focus is not happening, your energy is in the may even make bad judgements. I was a "zombie" before CPAP. I couldn't concentrate, couldn't remember conversations or facts, could not hold a job...I walked around in a daze and slept a lot. I was tired all the time. I would wake up after 8 or 9 hours of sleep and I was ready to take a nap. No kidding.

Newbies - it took 7 months for me to start feeling better. I'm not kidding. I've heard of people that it took a year on CPAP before they felt a difference. So, be patient. This CPAP therapy works. At least it's working for me. Be patient and let it work for you. Also - find a good sleep doctor. They are out there.

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Re: New CPAP users

Post by JenniC9182 » Sun May 15, 2016 8:05 am

Third night and waking up this morning feeling groggy. I was at first loving my machine and nasal mask. Maybe I still didn't have a great night when asleep. I did have a visual dream last night. Not bad, but weird and stressing me out a bit. Job related. I love my job, but my manager lately been stressing to get lots out. I work at a grocery store putting out general merchandise.

My condition I've accepted to still continue using my machine and mask as I really don't have much a problem. (The other night my machine works so well that both my daughter and husband ask me if my machine was on. My husband even lifted my mask up enough where air was leaking out to know for sure I'm using it correctly).
