New CPAP user

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Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:11 pm

New CPAP user

Post by joyom » Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:55 pm

Hello CPAP community. I appreciate your being here and sharing your knowledge.

After diagnosis with OSA, AHI=45, I received the ResMed 37205 Airsense 10 Elite and the Philips Respironics full face mask Amara (mouthbreather and snoring. I had used this in my titration study in the lab and I was surprised but I slept quite well). This was May 3. I have only recently reached 2 hours, 30 minutes tolerating the mask. The first several weeks I struggled with a too-big mask, finally replaced with the right size. I started with tolerating maybe 30 minutes. I awaken gasping for air and my throat is so dry I start gagging and coughing. At that point I would give up for the remainder of the night. Now I put it back on several times a night and my times are improving.

CPAP Support and Data capture has been frankly crap. My DME is the only Medicare-participating provider in my area (DC/MD suburbs). I struggled to get a medium size mask, I never heard from a Sleep Coach (isn't this a support and review Medicare requirement?). Finally got in touch and I was told my Resmed system falls through the computer cracks and this particular coach is the *only* staff who can access my data. I have since heard almost nothing except she talked me through upping my humidity to 6.

My ordering physician is a Neurologist who has no familiarity with sleep apnea followup, support or data review. Who should I see for the Medicare required follow up within 90 days? My coach said I could either see my PCP (no sleep apnea experience) or my Neurologist, also inexperienced. Her tone said she really didn't care what my optimal care would be.

I have read much here on the importance of establishing CPAP support and wonder if there any suggestions?
Machine: AirSense™ 10 Elite CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: Amara full face mask