It's we have a "biggest loser"??

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It's we have a "biggest loser"??

Post by yawn » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:06 am

Hi all,
I'm late for work so I'll make this quick. I think I dropped a couple of lbs. but I can never be sure with my scale.
I was watching The Biggest Loser this week...anybody else watch it? I'm curious to see what people think of the show.
I hope everybody had a good week and if you didn't, don't sweat it...just jump back onto the "bandwagon".
Do we have any newcomers??? Everybody is welcome to post!
Have a great day!

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Post by rock and roll » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:13 am

Not me...sigh. I did not get as much excercise this week as the Astros remain in the playoffs and I have been watching the games. But the upside is...I did not gain either.

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Post by Sleepless on LI » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:15 am

Since last Friday's post where I lost 8 lbs., I have officially lost three more. I have lost now, in total, since the beginning of July, 18 lbs. It got a bit confusing between the new scale and the fluctuating weight there, where I had gone up. But when I weighed myself on the old scale, I am 18 lbs. down. So in about 14 weeks, I've lost 18 lbs. I'm not complaining. This water pill really helped keep the weight that dropped off off.

So how did everyone else do? I hope well. I know our Canadian friends may not have done so well this week being that they celebrated their Thanksgiving on this past Monday, so we have to cut them a little slack today. But next Friday, they get no slack from me (LOL).

Have a great weekend, all. Look forward to reading how everyone else did.
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Post by neversleeps » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:24 am

yawn wrote:It's we have a "biggest loser"??
I'm normally not one to toot my own horn and don't want to steal anyone's thunder, but for years people have been telling me I'M the biggest loser.

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Post by Twinsanity » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:29 am

Since I've recently joined you ranks of cpap tx, may I join you in the loser's corner as well?

I've been kind of slacking since mid-Sept (when I walked 60 miles in the Chicago Breast Cancer 3-Day ) and I reallyneed to get back in the groove to reach my goal.

I've lost 63 lbs since May 19th. **happy dance**

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Post by peg » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:34 am

Well, I haven't gained any weight for a couple of weeks. This is a good thing. Did lose a couple of pounds this week but the Sesame Shrimp at the Chinese restaurant for lunch yesterday took care of that.

But, I have a solution to my weight issue. Aside from the fact that I am not overweight, I am to short. If I were 6'4". I would be slim!
I went shopping!!! Bought some bigger clothes. Not only do I feel good but I look good too. My baby went out of town last weekend so..... I shopped.
He says he doesn't think that I should be left alone anymore.
Can't believe he treats me that way!!!

WooHoo! Life is good.
I get a little cocky when I am "NO LONGER TIRED"

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Post by rock and roll » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:34 am

Wow! Congrat! That's no small feat. Applause and claps!

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Post by peg » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:37 am


"Now we do the dance of joy!!"
WooHoo! Life is good.
I get a little cocky when I am "NO LONGER TIRED"

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Post by Grabraham » Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:43 am



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Post by ehusen » Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:03 am

Alright, yah pulled me in. I didn't lose any weight this week but I'm at least trying to eat better and exercise.

But if we're going to do this, I think we should discuss how we got where we are and how we are going to get back from the "abyss".

I'm 6'2" and 250lbs. I would like to actually be under 200, but I'll settle for 210. I was a beanpole right up to college. Saw an old picture of myself when I was about 16 and I had abs! I don't remember that but there it was in photographic proof. I don't really expect a six-pack again but having a reasonably flat stomach would be nice.

Anyway, I "had" a high metabolism and was very active up to college. Sports and having to ride my bike everywhere certainly helped. I could not keep weight on at all, no matter what I ate. Well then comes the sedentary life. A desk job, less time to exercise, a wife who is a great cook, kids, etc. Heck my story is boring it's so typical.

My problem or challenge I should say is simply sticktiviteness. I seem to do okay, for a while. But then I backtrack.

Well then along comes the old "heart scare" at my 40 year checkup. Weird EKGs and borderline BP. Well after running all the fun stress tests and what not, my doctor called it an "irritated heart". I didn't actually have a heart attack but my heart was showing some signs of potential damage. Translation - apnea, a sedentary lifestyle, and a really bad diet were finally taking there toll.

So I'm trying to fix my behaviours for life, not just to lose weight in the short term. I cannot go on a "diet" because that is always temporary. I have to work on eating the right foods. So what am I trying to do?

1. Working out in the mornings before work. 35 minutes on the stairmaster 5 times a week (occasionally a weekend day too). I don't care so much about "toning" I want to make my heart healthier. I do it in the mornings (and I am NOT a morning person) because if I can just get up out of bed I'll go in and workout. After work there is never enough time, I'm too tired, etc. (insert your excuse here).

2. Giving up the super sugary drinks. I am a Mountain Dew addict. I love the stuff. But it's killing me. It's been three days and I think I'm over the caffiene withdrawal. I'm trying to subsitute with Crystal Lite and such.

3. Reducing/avoiding fast food. I may need a stricter diet eventually but that's where I'm starting.

I view the above as things I have to do for the rest of my life, much like CPAP therapy. I have to do things I believe I can keep doing forever. Kind of funny, giving up MD and waking up to work out both are easier if I get a good nights sleep.

Oh and I'm pretty certain I've had sleep apnea since my childhood. I always snored very loudly and my wife says I was always gasping for air even when I was thinner.

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Post by Twinsanity » Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:35 am


How I got here (fat) and what I'm doing about it?

I'm 5'3" and weighed 134 when I met my husband in '97. In '98, I had twins after a pregnancy on bedrest. In '99, I had a hysterectomy and other surgeries. Shortly after, my body went into surgical menopause (at age 36) but, for a couple years, no one figured out that's what happened. My arthritis flared. Other health issues popped up. Meds to help me sleep deeper also helped pile on the pounds.

I lost around 20 lbs while training to walk a breast cancer 3-Day in '04. But I gained them back. In May, when I registered to walk the 2005 3-Day, I knew there was no way I was going to be able to walk another 60 miles in the shape I was in--at 230 lbs. Ouch.

I found a new doc, who took me off the old-style anti-d (for sleep) and added a mild muscle relaxer (helped my RLS much more w/o the weight gain side effect). I started logging everything I eat at (though I don't follow their plan, I do love their chewy chocolate chip granola bars--chocolate for breakfast, what could be better? ). I dusted off my bike and started riding with my kids. I dusted off my walking shoes. I dusted off the weight bench/clothes rack.

I'm NOT dieting. I'm living. I'm eating healthy about 95% of the time, indulging in the occasional smaller servings of fat-laden pizza and french fries, etc.

I'm now down to 167 with the goal of reaching 135 again. I've heard that tx for sleep apnea may help with weight loss. *shrug* If it gives me more energy--which I am in dire need of--so it's easier to pry my chair-shaped butt up to exercise, I think it might.

The phone rang while I was typed this--my regular doc's office reporting on my latest bloodwork. My cholesterol levels (in 11/04 was: total-243, LDL-156 ) are now all within normal ranges! [/i]

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Post by ehusen » Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:16 am

"I'm NOT dieting. I'm living. I'm eating healthy about 95% of the time, indulging in the occasional smaller servings of fat-laden pizza and french fries, etc. "

Bingo. And that there is, I think, the only way to success. You have to indulge yourself every once in a while, otherwise you will fail. Heck who wants to be thin if you can never eat anything you really like.

(Oh, and congrats twinSanity on losing all that weight. )

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Post by tlc95066 » Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:09 pm

Wow congrats Twinsanity, Lori and Amy! I wish i could say that I dropped any weight, but I didn't gain any either. Seems like I have been at the same weight for so long now.... I guess I will need to up my cardio.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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Post by chaser3968 » Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:26 pm

HI! I have lost 2 pounds. I know this isnt a lot but its a start for me. I only have 58lbs to go. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Sleepless on LI » Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:46 pm

Congrats to all the big losers!!! And congrats to those who didn't lose but managed to still stay true to their eating regimens. That is great, too.

I think the word "diet" should be banned from this thread. We never should be on diets but on healthy eating regimens. We don't want to do something as temporary as a diet, which is what that four-letter word implies, but rather find the correct eating lifestyle and keep it going for good. That is the beauty of doing it right.

I was going to print out a photo of myself 25 years ago at my surprise bridal shower that is like my benchmark for weight, although I never would want to be THAT thin again, and post it on my frig. I am just under 5'6" and weighed about 110. When I look at that photo, I wonder what happened to that young woman. But I realized I don't need that as incentive. I want this badly enough and I'm going to do it with or without the visual reminder. And with my 25th coming up in just over a week, I wouldn't want to compare then and now photos. But I guess if my goal was 25 lbs., and I've lost 18 already, that's not too bad - correction, that's good. I just have to keep drilling it into my head that I'm almost there...I'm almost there, and remember how hard these last few pounds are going to be coming off. I am so happy Amy came up with this idea. It helps keep me honest, like in the old Weight Watchers days, knowing I have to tell the truth and admit if I did good or bad during the week.

Thanks for all being there to share in the triumphs and support the not so great weeks. It is tremendous help...please know I am here for you all, too!
L o R i