Almost 3 months on CPAP

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Almost 3 months on CPAP

Post by rholmack » Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:45 pm

Wow! Almost 3 months on CPAP now. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it and doing much better the last couple of weeks.

A quick over view: Spent the first month going through several different masks and my DME, Apria, worked will with me to find a mask for me. I somehow ended up with two mask; a Mirage Micro nasal mask and a GO Life for Men nasal pillow mask. I'm sure I paid for both although I didn't see it on the paperwork. The next month I struggled with sores on nose bridge and/or nostrils. I then struggled with leaks, which weren't really a problem just something to get use to. I'm used to that now when it happens. It doesn't wake me anymore. I then struggled with open mouth and the lip spit thing. Contacted my DME and got chin strap that solved both problems and solved another one: slipping headgear. All the problems were solved by asking questions here or by reading other posts.

The last couple of weeks of data reveal what I'm experiencing, AHI is averaging less than 4. Over the last week, I've gone to my regular doctor to get my blood pressure medication dosage lowered. My BP was averaging 100/60, too low for me. It's hitting normal now. I fully expect to be off this medication after a while. Yeah! I went to the sleep doctor last week and he looked at my data and said he didn't need to see me for another year. I told them all the things I was doing and told him about getting help from this forum and told me to keep it up. He also told me I'm in control of my own therapy, keep up the good work. Yeah!

I've tried the Sinus Blaster aromatherapy and that helps me get to sleep even when I'm having sinus problems. I wish it would last all night is my only complaint. I've gotten use to having my nostrils cycle. Before CPAP, I just plugged up and that was it. Thanks to this forum, I'm doing so much better. Would have never lasted this long on my own: Thanks! Now if only my bum knee would do better...

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Re: Almost 3 months on CPAP

Post by mrnetwurm » Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:20 pm

I am struggling in my first three weeks. Your post is encouraging.

