Saw RT this AM...

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Saw RT this AM...

Post by MissAmethyst2U » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:05 pm

Well, I got there they only had the one mask for me to try. I got the Infinity and tried it on there. It seemed VERY comfortable there and all. I also got my new 8' or 10' whatever length hose it was but its better than my 6' and I got my filters. She also ended up switching out my CPAP for a brand new one! I had had a few times where I would turn the machine on and like it would start the pressure then cut off on me. I would unplug everything and hook it back up and it would be fine. It only happened liek three times and hasn't done it in forever so I hadn't said anything and well today when she went to turn it on it did it and she asked me about it and said no we are switching that out. I also finally got the PB bag that is made for the cpap and humidifier they finally got them in...

So I get home and well I was VERY tired as I have been doing great with my anxiety and am also dating my ex from a couple yrs back again so I havnt been getting as much sleep as I get so I lay down to take a nap and that is where the problems began, that mask is IMPOSSIBLE to sleep with!! Not because of the weight of the hose being pulled but because the way the elbow thing is and it hangs kinda straight down, it just does NOT get in a good position to sleep with! OMG I fought it for about 30 mins trying to make it work and gave up. I even broke my Swift out to try that again and at first it felt great compared to the Infinity but after about 30 mins of that my nose just hurt soooooo bad. At least with the infinity it didn't hurt my nose So I broke up my trusty CC and slept great! She said most ppl like the Inifinity and she had only had one person bring it back so I am gonna call tomm AM and see if I can swap it for something else, I doubt I can but doesnt hurt to ask I guess. I could always get another CC for backup.

I will just deal with the marks I guess and maybe one day I will figure out something that will solve that prob. I am also gonna eventually get around to ordering the foam cheek pads to try to. I think I am gonna break out the Activa tonight to try again. Its been a couple weeks since I have tried that. It's not too horrible but I dont think I could sleep with it every night just that pulsing on my face feeling freaks me out sometimes lol.

I gotta call my sleep doc tomm and take my machine over there and let them lower my pressure to 10 I think and see how that does. This pressure of 11 I have gotten used to but I feel weird. Like My asthma has been acting up really bad and I feel kinda sick off and on after waking up. I don't know that it is the pressure making me feel bad as I have not been getting the average of almost 8 hrs a night I was getting now its more like average of 4-5 hrs a night...


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Post by Julie » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:40 pm

Worst fitting mask I ever tried.

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Post by Sleepless on LI » Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:06 pm


I'm so sorry it was a bust. Is there maybe a way to rig the hose to the Infinity over your head so it isn't such a problem? I don't know anything about the mask. I'm going to go look it up.

At least you have the CC, Activa and Swfit for now. Could you imagine if you didn't have anything else as a backup???



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Post by rested gal » Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:54 pm

She said most ppl like the Inifinity and she had only had one person bring it back
I really, really doubt that most people like the Infinity. They might like the look of it and feel of it when trying it on sitting up in the DME's office and say, "Yes, I LIKE THAT." But I'd bet that under real sleeping conditions most of them have to quit with it just as fast as you did, Miss A.

The ones that didn't take it back to the DME probably just quit CPAP altogether. Perhaps that's why the woman has had only one bring it back.

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Post by MissAmethyst2U » Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:00 pm

Hey thanks for the replys

Lori, Everything about the Infinity is great but that 90 degree right angle elbow, It needs to go further out in front of you if that makes any sense and the swivel doesnt cut it. (My biggest prob was it would go down straight in front of me to even begin to get comfy laying down maily cause my boobs are too big

it is VERY quiet, it didnt make my nose sore and I LOVE the single strap for headgear, I could actually run it under my hair and then it doesnt even make a mark on my hair which after I spend 40 mins blowdrying it and straightening it if I ever want a nap during the day then want to go out later than evening I have to do it all over again

RG, I agree with the ones that didnt bring it back just didn't bother. I mean sitting up in their office it was fine but once you get home and lay down its a different story...Next time I try on masks there I am gonna carry a darn pillow and lay my butt right in the floor with it lol...I wonder what they would think of that?!


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Post by Bob... » Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:01 pm

Hi Miss,

Man everybody is sure down on the poor little Infinity 481!

I guess you missed the little fold up of the "How To" pictures that came with the 481. It has a BIG RED X on the picture where the hose is running straight down your chest. The hose needs to run either out at a 90 Deg angle out across your pillow or as I use it up toward the top of my head and then up to a hook above me. You might take a look at this pamphlet, if you received it, I think it will help. As you pointed out there is too much going for it to give up to easily. Just think you may get one of the interfaces that you have to "deconstruct" and put multiple straps/bands/pads across your face and around your head just to hold it in place, doesn’t sound like a fun time to me. I'll bet if you give the 481 another try you just MIGHT have a different opinion. If you still hate it send it on down to me, I love it, and I can always use a spare!


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Post by MissAmethyst2U » Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:14 pm

Bpob I did see the booklet with that last night, but when laying down I did try using it off to both sides and also even laying on my side and have it turned and laying on my pillow and its just been a nightmare. I will keep at it I guess since I didn't call today cause I wasnt home til just a bit ago today...I would LOVE to make it work so I will try and see what I can figure out....


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Post by mkmatsuman » Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:06 pm

Hello Miss, I'm a newbie and just got my CPAP machine last Thursday. I too thought that the Infinity was comfortable at the office, my first night using it was very uncomfortable. I use that thin clear strap and it hurt my ears. I called my DME the next day and she suggested that I use the head gear and that was much better, but I found like Bob, that if you route the hose on a hook above and behind your head that it helps a lot. I put one of those plastic hooks on the wall above my head and routed the hose through one of my wife's scunci and hung that on the hook. It seems to work pretty good. My verdict is still out on the mask and I will give it another week using it.

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Post by yardbird » Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:11 am

If the Swift hurts your nose you probably:

A. Have it too tight


B. Have the wrong size pillows on there. If you're using small pillows, try the medium. If you're using medium, try the large.

My Swift hurt my nose too when I first got it and I learned that I have to loosen it to where it's TOO lose and then just tighten it enough to stop it from leaking a lot. It's still not tight and changing from teh medium to the large pillows was a world of difference. And no way would I have thought I'd need the large pillows. My nose isn't that big!

Mask: Swift™ FX Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: S9™ Series H5i™ Heated Humidifier with Climate Control
Additional Comments: original pressure 8cm - auto 8-12

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Post by MissAmethyst2U » Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:28 am

MKM, I will have to see what I can rig up. I am soooooo sleepy today so I know I will be taking a nap and I plan on fiddling around with the Infinity to see if I can figure out something to make it work...

Yardbird, I wear the straps VERY loose, I learned this from this board and then tighten it like you said JUST enough to stop leaks, I normally would wear the small maybe medium pillows but find the large actually makes it less sore but I still find it unconfortable and not to metnion I roll over and almost suffocate myself so I am trying to learn not to roll and adjust pillows in front of me when side sleeping so I dont roll completely over...

I guess its a trial and error thing all along still...If nothing else I have my CC just will have to deal with the marks...
