Things that are better

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Things that are better

Post by ThisIsMyUserName » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:00 am

I'm still having a tough time with CPAP, and I've still got a long way to go (still tired, still yawning a lot, etc.), but 7 months in, there are a number of things that are just unambiguously better. I figured I'd list them both for my own benefit and for newbies. I'd be interested in seeing other things people have seen, to look out for them on my own:

1) My acid reflux went away. This happened on day 1, after nearly a decade of chewing Tums nonstop. Completely gone.
2) My migraines are 90% gone. This took a few months, but I've gone from nearly daily crushing migraines to having mild ones every week or two.
3) I no longer spend my days trying to find chances to rest. Also required months to see it happen, but I used to spend every free minute looking for an opportunity to lie down or watch TV, and now I find myself more and more looking to play with the kids or go out or whatever.
4) I sometimes (not often, but hopefully soon) have excess energy. A few weeks ago, I went and shoveled my neighbor's walk after the snowstorm while he was on vacation. Seemed like a nice thing to do and I had the energy so why not. This would never, ever, ever have happened before. I cannot stress how much this would never have happened before.
5) I can imagine going places. Before, I tried to limit vacations to staycations or visiting family where I could sleep a lot. Now we're planning some big trips to go do things.
6) I'm in much better shape. I always pushed myself to work out and stay in shape even before CPAP, but instead of having to find energy to work out every other day or so, I'm finding myself exercising daily, often twice in a day. It shows, I feel better, and it all becomes a positive cycle.

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Re: Things that are better

Post by DoriC » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:25 am

What a great uplifting post! Makes me smile!

Mask: Mirage Quattro™ Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Humidifier: HumidAire H4i™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: 14/8.4,PS=4, UMFF, 02@2L,
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