Just received my APAP (Sept) - newly diagnosed (August)

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Just received my APAP (Sept) - newly diagnosed (August)

Post by TalonGreyWolf » Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:01 pm

Okay, so I have had my ResMed 10 with Amara View mask since Thursday. (my profile & signature should list my equipment)

I have not been able to sleep through a whole night. The first night was best (almost 5 hours) , the next night (3 hours), and finally last night (1.5 hours).

What I noticed that might make a difference with tonight's (11Sept16) sleeping:

1. My mask had no leaks last night after I tweaked the straps. So that will make it better tonight.

2. I used my nasal spray the past nights (as my sleep doctor suggested I use it 15 minutes before sleep). My throat felt like it had something in it (which is why the times of use have been short) about midway through the APAP use each night. Tonight I will not use the nasal spray BEFORE I start my bedtime use of the APAP to see if that helps the throat problem.

3. I could not fall asleep using the machine except for the first night (I use Ambien that night to help facilitate sleep). Not sure how to remedy this problem.

4. I had overfilled the humidifier the second night (had water in the tube from that) so last night I had it cleaned and filled perfectly. Thus, I can continue to fill properly.

5. I have been trying to sleep on my back which is not my best sleep position and the Sleep Lab notes stated I should not sleep in the supine position. Tonight I will try to assume another position in hopes that helps too.

So any good ideas that might help me actually getting a full night's sleep while using my APAP? And remember I am new to understanding OSA and new to the machine/process so I may not have thought of something or overlooked something else.

I am determined and I will keep going.

P.S. read about the SoClean machine here...glad to know it is not worth the $ or time. And glad to have a reference place where I can find answers and have support.

Thank you in advance!
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