Nasal Pillows and nose sores

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Nasal Pillows and nose sores

Post by Keepugesin » Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:29 am

Yesterday has been one week since I've been using a CPAP machine. About two days ago, I noticed two small sores on my right nostril, one just inside my nostril, it feels like a pimple but I believe it's from the nasal pillows, last night was the first night I had to take the mask off after only 4 hours because it hurt to much. Also, my pressure is at a 12, yesterday I got my machine, I had been using a tester machine for the prior week and the pressure on it was at 14, now that I have my own machine and it's set at 12, it seems like the pressure is way too strong, but it's actually 2 degrees less than the tester machine? What's going on here????

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rested gal
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Post by rested gal » Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:19 pm

Dunno about the different feel in pressure even though a machine with lower pressure feels like it's blowing more forcefully than the previous machine's higher setting. Perhaps have it checked with a manometer.

As for the mask, most people find it's good to have two different mask types to switch occasionally. I haven't ever had a problem with the Breeze's nasal pillows irritating, but if I did, I'd probably switch to a nasal (covers the nose) mask for a few nights. Even without comfort issues, I like to switch around anyway - between the Breeze, the Activa and the Swift. No particular reason...I just like having different ones for a different "feel", although all three are comfortable for me. As a poster on another board said once, "We don't wear the same pair of shoes everyday."

To relieve the present irritation, you might try some Neosporin or Ayr gel, or castor bean oil. I've heard of people using those when they got an irritation at the nares from using nasal pillows devices.


Thanks for the reply!

Post by Keepugesin » Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:09 pm

I found out that the reason I'm having such a hard time is because the machine I was using up until last night was an auto titrating machine and this one isn't. I have put in a request for an auto titrating machine now from my doctor, hopefully that will work. And I have an order for a full face mask, I hope this helps. Thanks for the help


Post by Guest » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:44 am

I have a breeze with the nasal pillows and had the same problem initially with soreness around my nostrils. It turned out I was using a pillow size that was too small for my nostrils which was making me apply too much pressure to maintain a good seal. The pillows come in several different sizes so you may want to try a different size until you find one that allows you to use the lightest pressure against your nose but still maintain a tight seal? Try several of them until you find one that works best. For me, the soreness did subside after several days, once I found the correct size and got used to wearing the mask. Now I can't sleep without the mask and CPAP!