correct mask size

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correct mask size

Post by Luvpoodles2437 » Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:18 pm

Hi! I have been using a CPAP since Sept 10. I was having no luck at all keeping the mask on all night. I started reading info on the internet and realized that my mask, Ultra Mirage by ResMed was the one that a lot of CPAP users were saying was the best for side sleepers and being able to keep a good seal (I have a pressure of 15) yet I was unable to keep it on (did not remember taking it off).

Also my husband said he was being awakened by my "fussing" with the mask and making the noise of the seal being broken. I had contacted my DME about 4 or more times regarding the mask hurting, not feeling like it sealed at all times, and the chin strap not keeping my mouth closed. I also thought I may be waking up with a stuffy nose and even went to the doctor about new allergy meds.

I contacted to ask a few questions about my mask and ask about maybe needing a full face mask and the person I spoke with said that it sounded like my mask may be the wrong size. She e-mailed size measurements for the Ultra Mirage and I had two co-workers get the measurements (they both got different measurements for 2 of 3) and I sent them all of the measurements. It appears that I was fitted by my DME with the wrong size mask. I had been given a large and never questioned the size. My measurements were for a standard which I ordered and had delivered . I could feel the difference immediately. I don't think I ever felt the full pressure of the CPAP until that first night with the standard size mask. I apparently never had a correct seal with the original mask. The correct size I might point out is very quiet since gets a good seal and is more comfortable when laying on my side. The second night I slept 6 straight hours.

My husband had recommended I put the wrong size away from the new mask but of course I didn't get around to it and last night I apparently put on the large one and woke up after an hour or so to hear it making noise like the seal was broke and I immediately recognized the problem this time and put on the standard size and slept the rest of the night. I know this is a long story but I thought it might help someone else get a good nights sleep like I did.

I now see sleep filled nights ahead for the first time since my sleep apnea was first suspected by my doctor in March, followed by sleep test, doctor appointments, getting the CPAP machine, etc.

I hope my story can help another newbie like me out there.

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rested gal
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Post by rested gal » Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:49 pm

That was a great account of your first experiences, poodles! And yes, such stories are helpful to everyone - newbie to cpap or longtime users. Sometimes the simplest solutions (wrong size mask...heheh) can get overlooked.
I had contacted my DME about 4 or more times regarding the mask hurting, not feeling like it sealed at all times
Not to be a DME basher, but geeze, so many of them really are clueless, aren't they? Good thing you took matters into your own hands and contacted someone who could give you practical help. I've heard people say, "Well, the inflated prices DME's charge are because you get more service from them than from online stores." LOL!!

Now, if a local DME gives a customer lots of chances to try different masks at home for a few days before purchasing a mask, then yes...that would be a good kind of extra service. But for the most part users who educate themselves through the message boards can do fine (even better in soooo many cases) dealing with a good online store instead of a local DME, imho.

Glad you got that problem solved, poodles!

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Post by Suserbec » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:39 am

I'm getting ready to change DMEs. Get this.....mine gave me the wrong machine to begin with! Not the one the doctor ordered. THEN, only a couple of weeks ago, after being on CPAP for two months and struggling to get things right, I found out they had even given me the wrong mask! Not only was it not the one the doctor ordered, but it's not even sold anymore!

I have a wonderful doctor and his office is now dealing in the equipment as well. So, I am going to switch. They want to "follow their patients"!

Everyone makes mistakes but this was a doosey!
CPAP has saved my life!!

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Post by EbonyEyes » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:30 pm

after all my years of sleep apnea i still cant put my mask on until i am really really sleepy to the point of i almost cant keep my eyes open

i didnt know that the wrong mask size and the wrong way of adjusting the straps could cause severe muscle strains like in my neck and cause my face to hurt in the morning and if i open my mouth with my mask on i wake up with a sore throat

so make sure you have the right mask that fits you comfortably


Post by Lavendel » Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:28 pm

I might add that if you have a small nose you might need a petite size mask. I have to wear a petitie & that's almost too big! It sure made a difference getting a size that fits. They don't generally check you to see if you might need a petite, so if the masks feel too big, ask to try the smallest size.