General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.


Post by Nikki » Thu May 03, 2007 7:18 pm

I used a full mask for 1 year. The only advantage of a full face mask is that it makes CPAP therapy completely excellent> It

works great<. However the disadvantage of a full mask may almost outweigh the benefit. On the down side, the full mask caused

my nose (where the mask rests) to become red and bleed. Creases around the gel made large imprints into my face which was

making my face old-looking with wrinkled skin. In addition, I had water retention below my lids (ugly baggy lids) which mad

me look 10 years older. I strongly considered having plastic surgery to get rid of my bags.This got worse by the weeks that


Nasal pillows on the other hand are less invasive on the face and works well for afflicted sleep apnea victims.However,I

couldn't use nasal pillows because air rushed through my mouth-drying causing me to wake up and making CPAP therapy

ineffectual.The next day, I didn't feel well b/c lack of sleep. If I found the perfect way to prevent air from passing

through my mouth, a perfect system management therapy for life would be found!!!

There are many posts on this subject. Mouth taping suggested include taping the mouth, dental appliances,using chinstraps,

Polydent strips an so forth. These suggestions may work on some people but not on me. I tried everthing and nothing seemed to

work and then one day it came to me. A sureproof method to tape my mouth shut and IT WORKED. I want to share this method with

you. I am excited about this method because all of us who suffer from this sleep disorder know that for the rest of our days,

we MUST keep using CPAP.

This is a sureproof method to tape your mouth shut overnight.
WARNING: There are certain risks associated with overnight mouth taping.USE AT OWN RISK!!!

1. ForMEDica Micropore Tape
2. Johnson Johnson Tape
3. Chin strap

1.Cut a strip of ForMEDica Micropore Tape the length of your mouth
2. Roll strip like a cigarrette (round cylinder with hole), the stucky part of tape outside
3. Place rolled tape on lips and press hard.
4 Roll Johnson Johnson Tape around your head twice covering moutH
5. Press tape hard for a few moments
6. Cut tape behind head for comport
7. Wrap chin strap snuggly around mouth and back of head tight. This prevents your cheeks from expanding (look like chipmonk)

and prevents the tape from getting loose
8. Remove chin strap and all tape from mouth in the morning. This usually causes little pain.

Please email me if you have any questions..