CPAP - Struggling To Get 7 to 9 Hours

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CPAP - Struggling To Get 7 to 9 Hours

Post by zsz101 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:55 am

Hi Everyone,

I'm hoping to see how others have dealt with this issue - so here's my story:

I'm 33 and have been on a cpap for about two years at this point. I was originally diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea after what I thought was a horrible at home test (the equipment basically consisted of a big blue brick I had to strap to my forehead).

As a result, I was given the ResMed Airsense 10 with automatic everything along with the DreamWear nasal mask (no pillows). As much as I detested the idea of having to use a cpap, I agreed to really dive in and give it a shot since I know how important quality sleep is. Initially, I was getting in a few hours a night with the cpap while I was still getting used to it, and after a couple weeks that increased to about 6 to 6.5 hours. Despite doing everything I could in the way of sleep hygiene and getting acclimated to the machine, I struggled to consistently get more than 6 to 6.5 hours with the machine and still felt tired all the time as a result.

Fast forward a couple years and I'm still struggling. Despite two years of getting comfortable with the cpap, I still have what I've come to call "cpap Insomnia" where I seem to suddenly wake up after 4 to 5 hours, after which it's impossible to fall back asleep with the cpap. The 6 to 6.5 hour average is because of the extra time I spend lying awake with the mask on.

When this happens, one of two outcomes occur: 1. I go back and forth between trying to fall back asleep with the mask on and going to a different room to relax (per the doctor's instructions), and this continues until it's time to start the day, resulting in me getting only 4 to 5 hours of sleep and feeling moody/tired all day, or 2. I fall back asleep easily without the mask and still wake up feeling groggy/moody/tired all day. As you can see, both outcomes are no good.

That said, has anyone had this same issue and been able to overcome it? If so how? It seems no matter what I try I can just never get a full night of sleep with the cpap.
It's to the point where I'm considering exploring alternate treatment strategies, such as a mouthpiece.

Thanks everyone, and any advice is appreciated.


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Miss Emerita
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Re: CPAP - Struggling To Get 7 to 9 Hours

Post by Miss Emerita » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:22 am

Welcome, ZZ! Sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it. When you wake up in the night, is your mask uncomfortable? Do you have some idea of what wakes you up?

You can help us help you by using the Oscar software, which is free and available here:

You will need access to a laptop or desktop computer, an SD card in the slot on your machine, and a way for your computer to read the SD card (slot in the computer, or plug-in, cheapo SD card reader).

Once you have a night of data sent to Oscar, you can post a screenshot of a Daily chart here, after following the formatting instructions linked toward the top of this site. The chart will have a wealth of information that can provide clues to what is going on with you.

Let us know if you give this a try and hit a snag. We'd be happy to help.

A little housekeeping: could you add your machine and mask to your profile so the information will always be available to people reading your posts? And could you keep your follow-up posts in this thread? Thanks!
Oscar software is available at

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Re: CPAP - Struggling To Get 7 to 9 Hours

Post by Julie » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:27 am

Yes, do Oscar, because while you're blaming your sleepiness on getting 'only' 6+ hours of sleep, the problem may be that you're not treated adequately - potential pressure issues, etc. It's not the hours you get but how well you feel when you wake up, and being able to see what's what when you sleep can really help to advise on how to fix it.

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Re: CPAP - Struggling To Get 7 to 9 Hours

Post by khauser » Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:37 am

Hi ZZ ...
What is making you think the cause of your insomnia is the CPAP system?

All of your report sounds to me like traditional sleep maintenance insomnia.

It sounds like you were diagnosed with sleep apnea and thought it would resolve all of your sleep related issues. It can only resolve your breathing related issues. There can be other issues.

OSCAR charts, as has already been stated, are key to some of this.

If you give up on CPAP therapy you are likely to cause yourself much harm. CPAP therapy helps you sleep better, yes, but more importantly, when properly titrated it helps you AVOID oxygen deprivation, which over time is hugely degrading to your life.

Sleep loss is a terrible thing. People get grumpy, short-tempered, etc. That happens here even among the generally friendly. Try not to take it personally.

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Re: CPAP - Struggling To Get 7 to 9 Hours

Post by sonno » Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:20 am

I have a similar experience. I think it is due to years of waking early because of untreated apnea. The pattern of waking becomes learned. Cleveland Clinic has an app GoToSleep $40 that is ICBT to address that and Im starting that program. Just started using late night light 10K lux for about 2 hours before sleep and it seems to help me sleep longer with fewer awakenings. Study re light therapy for early waking ( ... somnia.pdf )