OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

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Re: Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by WWu777 » Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am

To those here who find me annoying:

I apologize for annoying you. I didn't intend to. All I did was ask honest questions and made honest rational intellectual points to share what I know and try to open your minds. Nothing wrong with that. Healthy debate is normal, especially on forums. We don't all have to agree on everything you know. We are individuals, not a collective with a hive mind and groupthink. If you don't like my posts, then fine, we don't need to talk to each other. I won't bother you anymore. No hard feelings. I have no need to discuss anything with people who don't want to discuss. But I have never lied or attacked any of you, so my integrity is intact and my honor is preserved. As long as I never lie, cheat or steal, my integrity and conscience are intact before myself and God. If anyone doesn't like that, it's their problem, not mine.

Deep down I know I've done nothing wrong. Just because I have different opinions or am more open minded and broad minded than most of you, and am a freethinker who thinks for myself, doesn't make me wrong. I am not here to be liked or engage in a popularity contest, especially since you are just a group of strangers online, so I don't care what you think. As long as I am honest and well intentioned, that's what counts. I just came here to get some information and advice, that's all. I apologize if some of my threads went off topic.

Anyway, after my CPAP machine arrives, I won't be posting here much anymore unless I have an occasional important question or two with using my device. I have my own forum to run and my hands are full with that. So I don't even have time to come here and argue with anyone, especially if they don't even want me to. So don't worry, I won't bother you anymore.

I wish you all well with no hard feelings.

Peace out.

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Re: Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by WWu777 » Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:34 am

colomom wrote:
Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:54 am
WWu777 wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:33 pm
Of course the FDA is gonna discourage hydrogen peroxide therapy. It discourages everything that threatens the cartel of the big drug industry. That's their job... That's why you can't trust what the FDA says. It's a propaganda and control agency with a big stick and agenda that is NOT free of corruption or politics.
I would rather believe the testimonies of honest everyday real Americans than the big pharma cartel and medical monopolies in the US anyday. No comparison. If honest everyday Americans claim that H202 reversed or halted their cancer, I'd rather believe them than propagandists paid by big pharma... Doesn't matter what the FDA says, it can deny all it wants, but that doesn't make them right. I don't know about you, but I'd rather believe real people than corrupt government agencies and media...Furthermore, there are many real life testimonials for H202 therapy which you can find onilne, by real people, who have no reason to lie, but as we all know, big pharma and FDA have lots of reasons to lie and are paid to lie too... The scientific establishment is NOT free of corruption, politics, lies and agendas. No way. But you keep assuming that it is. That's part of their brainwashing. Yes the establishment does lie and suppress and cover up things.... They do it to promote their atheistic materialistic agenda that they want you to follow to suit their leftist, marxist, liberal agenda..
I also hear that those left wing, Marxist, propagandist, atheist Scientists are involved in a deep state pedophile ring government officials are running out of pizza shop basements. It sounds crazy to some, but it must be true if random people on the internet say so. :roll:

I will continue to listen to the evidence based conclusions of scientists and doctors. Medical decisions should never be based on isolated, antidotal, personal experiences of random people on the internet or unqualified book authors trying to sell "miracle" cures.
WWu777 wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:33 pm
Btw, you wanted scientific clinical studies published in journals right? Well yes, such evidence does exist for the efficacy of H202 therapy to treat many things. See these links:

Your links are unconvincing. The 2nd link is simply a pubmed search of hydrogen peroxide, I see 0 articles that reference any of your claims. The first link is a compilations of extremally outdated articles from as far back as the late 1800s. One of the articles referenced entirely refutes your claims of curing cancer.

"Questionable Methods of Cancer Management: Hydrogen Peroxide and Other 'Hyperoxygenation' Therapies"
http://www.foodgrade-hydrogenperoxide.c ... ociety.pdf

Pugsy made a good call in locking down the previous thread you had derailed, advocating ingesting hydrogen peroxide is dangerous advice. Please don't send me anymore PM's, this will be my final reply to anything posted by you.
colomom, like I said before, the problem is that you assume that the science and medical establishment is totally objective and free of bias or corruption, like a computer. That's what they want you to think of course, but it's not true. You've been listening too much to Michael Shermer types. Start listening to Rupert Sheldrake types and you will get a different view. In reality, both science and medical institutions are subject to corruption, politics, agendas, biases, confirmation bias, conspiracies, cover ups, etc. Just like all big institutions. Remember the bigger the institution, the more politics and money are involved, hence the more corruption is involved. Wise people and street smart people know this. We are brainwashed to believe science is the new priesthood that can't be questioned, but it just isn't so.

Remember that we live in a corporatocracy, in which America is run by corporations, hence it's a democracy of corporations, not of the people. Corporations are not objective computers that never lie, like Spock or Data. No way. They exist to promote their own self interests, not to be honest Abe. We all know that.

The truth is, the medical industry in America is run by a cartel and monopoly. The FDA and AMA exist to protect that cartel. Not to tell you the truth and be honest Abe. No way. I'm sure you've heard all this before. It's nothing new. It's just that you place too much faith in official institutions, that's the difference between you and me.

As to Pizza Gate, well I don't know. Depends on who you wanna believe. At the end of the day, it's all a matter of faith in which source you believe. We don't know anything unless we are involved in it or have experience in it. But remember this: Where there's smoke, there's fire. There's a long documentary on YouTube called "The Fall of the Cabal" and gives a lot of compelling evidence for PIzza Gate. You should check it out and research both sides, not just one side, or deny anything conspiratorial related with a knee jerk reaction.

However I can tell you some important life lessons and rules of thumb:

1. Nothing is 100 percent true or false. The truth tends to be somewhere in the middle. Not on either extreme. Everything in moderation, as they say. If you stick to a healthy middleground, then you are never far off from the truth. This applies to conspiracies too. Don't assume that all conspiracies must be totally false, or totally true for that matter.

2. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Even myths are based on some truth.

3. The more you know, the more you realize that we really don't know anything, as they say. Being arrogant or know-it-all doesn't mean you do know it all. Wise people are silent and try to learn from others. Only arrogant people act like they know it all and know things that they could not possibly know.

4. No source is infallible. Every source contains both good and evil, truth and falsehoods.

Regarding h202, I told you, no one has ever been hurt or injured from drinking h202 if properly diluted in a glass of water. No one has ever died from it either. So your warnings are baseless. I've tried it and zero harm came to me. Zero people have died from ingesting h202. In contrast, 100,000 Americans die every year from prescription drugs, which were taken EXACTLY as the doctor prescribed, not overdosed or abused. There's no comparison as to which is more dangerous. Zero vs 100,000. No comparison. Even if you drank h202 undiluted by accident (which no one is recommending) you would only burn your throat, it wouldn't kill you.

Please consider all that and take it into account rather than dismiss it with a knee jerk reaction.

Btw, here are some credible sources that say that scientists have often faked data, that will surprise you. See below. So much for the integrity and objectivity of "science".

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u ... 425036.ece
Faking scientific data and failing to report commercial conflicts of
interest are far more prevalent than previously thought, a study

One in seven scientists says that they are aware of colleagues having
seriously breached acceptable conduct by inventing results. And around
46 per cent say that they have observed fellow scientists engage in
"questionable practices", such as presenting data selectively or
changing the conclusions of a study in response to pressure from a
funding source.

However, when scientists were asked about their own behaviour only 2
per cent admitted to having faked results.

Daniele Fanelli, of the University of Edinburgh, who carried out the
investigation, believes that high-profile cases such as that of Hwang
Woo-Suk, the South Korean scientist disgraced for fabricating human
stem cell data, are less unusual than is generally assumed.
"Increasing evidence suggests that known frauds are just the tip of
the iceberg and that many cases are never discovered," he said.

The findings, published in the peer-reviewed journal PLoS One, are
based on a review of 21 scientific misconduct surveys carried out
between 1986 and 2005. The results paint a picture of a profession in
which dishonesty and misrepresentation are widespread.

In all the surveys people were asked about both their own research
practices and those of colleagues. Misconduct was divided into two
categories: fabrication, the actual invention of data; and lesser
breaches that went under the heading "questionable practices". These
included dropping data points based on a "gut feeling" and failing to
publish data that contradict one's previous research.

The discrepancy between the number of scientists owning up to
misconduct and those having been observed by colleagues is likely to
be in part due to fears over anonymity, Dr Fanelli suggests. "Anyone
who has ever falsified research is probably unwilling to reveal it
despite all guarantees of anonymity."

The study predicts that the 2 per cent figure, although higher than
most previous estimates, is still likely to be conservative.

Another explanation for the differences between the self-report
results and colleague-report results could be that people consider
themselves to be more moral than others. In a marginal case, people
might characterise their colleagues' behaviour as misconduct more
readily than they would their own.

The study included scientists from a range of disciplines. Misconduct
was far more frequently admitted by medical or pharmacological
researchers than others, supporting fears that the field of medical
research is being biased by commercial interests.
More interesting info has come out about why published findings by the science establishment can't be totally trusted.

This one from the National Institute of Health library.

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field. In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance. Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias. In this essay, I discuss the implications of these problems for the conduct and interpretation of research.
https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/ar ... ce/308269/
Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors—to a striking extent—still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday practice? Dr. John Ioannidis has spent his career challenging his peers by exposing their bad science.
https://www.statnews.com/2017/08/02/ran ... -research/
Randomized controlled trials have long been held up as the “gold standard” of clinical research. There’s no doubt that well-designed trials are effective tools for testing a new drug, device, or other intervention. Yet much of modern medical care — perhaps most of it — is not based on randomized controlled trials and likely never will be. In this “dark matter” of clinical medicine, past practices and anecdotes all too often rule. We need to look beyond trials to improve medical care in these areas.
Also see this quote:


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Re: Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by palerider » Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:45 am

WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
To those here who find me annoying:

I apologize for annoying you. I didn't intend to.
You're either a unrepentant liar, or you're totally ignorant of your own egregious behavior.

In either case, you have made yourself unwelcome.
WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
All I did was ask honest questions and made honest rational intellectual points to share what I know and try to open your minds. Nothing wrong with that.
Just because something ludicrous is circling around the drain in that cess pit of a mind that you have does not, by far, make it a "honest rational intellectual point".
WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
pathetic attempts to justify behavior.
WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
Anyway, after my CPAP machine arrives, I won't be posting here much anymore unless I have an occasional important question or two with using my device.
Most of us would actually prefer it if you'd never post here again, use your "honest rational intellectual points" and just figure it out yourself, or go somewhere else.

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Accounts to put on the foe list: dataq1, clownbell, gearchange, lynninnj, mper!?, DreamDiver, Geer1, almostadoctor, sleepgeek, ajack, stom, mogy, D.H., They often post misleading, timewasting stuff.

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Re: Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by WWu777 » Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:20 pm

palerider wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:45 am
WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
To those here who find me annoying:

I apologize for annoying you. I didn't intend to.
You're either a unrepentant liar, or you're totally ignorant of your own egregious behavior.

In either case, you have made yourself unwelcome.
WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
All I did was ask honest questions and made honest rational intellectual points to share what I know and try to open your minds. Nothing wrong with that.
Just because something ludicrous is circling around the drain in that cess pit of a mind that you have does not, by far, make it a "honest rational intellectual point".
WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
pathetic attempts to justify behavior.
WWu777 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:07 am
Anyway, after my CPAP machine arrives, I won't be posting here much anymore unless I have an occasional important question or two with using my device.
Most of us would actually prefer it if you'd never post here again, use your "honest rational intellectual points" and just figure it out yourself, or go somewhere else.
Why do you say that? I'm not your enemy. I got nothing against you. I got no ill intentions against you either. Why you hating on me? Have you considered that perhaps you are projecting your inner demons onto me?

Going by your demonic avatar, it does seem that you have inner demons after all. :lol: :lol: :lol: I know you will say that your avatar is just for fun, however we all know that the avatar we choose, as well as usernames, nicknames, etc all reflect something in our inner psyche. Even the jokes we make reflect something about our inner selves. Little things can speak volumes if you know how to read them. It's the little things that matter, as they say. lol.

At least I don't have demonic avatars and usernames that sound like something from The Four Horsemen in the book of Revelation. lol :P Why not choose a virtuous noble icon or name such as Plato, King Arthur or Marcus Aurelius? lol

Just kidding. Just making fun of you that's all. lol

Anyway, I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers before. All I said was that you can't trust medical cartels and the government agencies that have a vested interest in defending these cartels. We all know that. Stuff online about conspiracies, corruption in big pharma or government, etc are all over the internet like wildfire nowadays. It's nothing new. We've all heard about them by now. Independent media always talk about stuff like that. It's all over YouTube too. Should be mainstream by now. Even Trump talks about fake news nowadays. Supposedly we've only discovered the tip of the iceberg.

So why did me pointing some of this stuff out ruffle your feathers and make you hate me? I don't get it. It doesn't make me a bad person, I'm sure deep down you know that. Just because I'm a freethinker and intellectual doesn't make me an annoying pest or nuisance. Do you hate truth or something? Think about it.

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Re: Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by WWu777 » Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:22 pm

colomom wrote:
Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:54 am
I also hear that those left wing, Marxist, propagandist, atheist Scientists are involved in a deep state pedophile ring government officials are running out of pizza shop basements. It sounds crazy to some, but it must be true if random people on the internet say so. :roll:
Lol. Did you see the Town Hall with Donald Trump last week on NBC? The female interviewer from NBC asked Trump the same question as you did above. She asked him if QAnon and Pizza Gate were true or not and if he believed in their claims. His response was "I don't know. And you don't know either."

That's true. He made a good point. You see, if something by definition is a "conspiracy" then it's secret and hidden. We would NOT know about it of course. I can't believe that NBC lady was too dumb to understand that.

None of us are omniscient Gods. There could be tons and tons of dark secrets we don't know about because they are secret and hidden. We aren't supposed to know about them. Perhaps we only know the tip of the iceberg, as they say. Who knows. This reality we live in could be a computer simulation or a dream even. We just don't know for sure. So please don't pretend to know everything. You don't. No one really knows why we are here or where we came from. All we do is speculate and choose to believe whatever paradigm we resonate with on faith. Most people simply believe what they are told to believe.

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Re: Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by Lucyhere » Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:25 pm

WWu777 wrote:
Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:22 pm
Most people simply believe what they are told to believe.

:shock: You are joking, right? May be true for you, not for me!
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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by chunkyfrog » Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:29 pm

Y'all can have a handful of my popcorn.
I never coughed on it--honest!

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Re: Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by palerider » Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:51 pm

WWu777 wrote:
Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:20 pm
Do you hate truth or something?
Go away, if you want to talk about stupid non-cpap things, which you persist in doing, GO AWAY. Take your 'truth' and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Mask: Bleep DreamPort CPAP Mask Solution
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Accounts to put on the foe list: dataq1, clownbell, gearchange, lynninnj, mper!?, DreamDiver, Geer1, almostadoctor, sleepgeek, ajack, stom, mogy, D.H., They often post misleading, timewasting stuff.

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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by Julie » Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:03 am

You know, years ago there used to be quite interesting, if often annoying, banter between a few members... certainly not cpap related on many occasions, and while I don't want to (and hope no one else does) get into the validity of conspiracy theories or anything trump, I also am not sure it's terrible if some want to talk about OT things in an OT thread. After all, I don't remember anyone saying that the forum police have the last say in exchange of such things here, and it is a free society (supposedly).

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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by Lucyhere » Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:32 pm

Julie wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:03 am
I also am not sure it's terrible if some want to talk about OT things in an OT thread. After all, I don't remember anyone saying that the forum police have the last say in exchange of such things here, and it is a free society (supposedly).
More recently, OT threads have gone from bad to worse. Nothing wonderful about the OT election thread that was gobbled up by the software. There were more spammers than adults in that thread and I wasn't the least bit sorry to see it disappear. Between the election and Covid, which has caused more depression and anxiety than anything I can remember in my lifetime, NO ONE needs to read things that make them feel even worse. Think whatever you would like, but for god's sake, think twice before you post something that just may make things even more unbearable than they already are.
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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by DreamStalker » Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:38 pm

Julie wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:03 am
You know, years ago there used to be quite interesting, if often annoying, banter between a few members... certainly not cpap related on many occasions, and while I don't want to (and hope no one else does) get into the validity of conspiracy theories or anything trump, I also am not sure it's terrible if some want to talk about OT things in an OT thread. After all, I don't remember anyone saying that the forum police have the last say in exchange of such things here, and it is a free society (supposedly).
President Trump is not even your president ... but whatever … :roll:

And that quote is not a “that’s what she said” joke either. It’s fact for bipolarism! Some are privileged (the bear clan) to “vote” for anyone they disagree with to be cancelled off the forum – a hidden secret few members realize exists. But liberty does not fear the bear.

Lucyhere wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:32 pm
More recently, OT threads have gone from bad to worse. Nothing wonderful about the OT election thread that was gobbled up by the software. There were more spammers than adults in that thread and I wasn't the least bit sorry to see it disappear.
Don’t "believe what you’re told to believe". The OT election thread was NOT "gobbled up by the software", it WAS deleted ... :roll:
Spammers? There were no spammers on that thread! :roll: :roll:
Lucyhere wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:32 pm
Between the election and Covid, which has caused more depression and anxiety than anything I can remember in my lifetime, NO ONE needs to read things that make them feel even worse.
Actually, "NO ONE needs" to speak for anybody else but themselves!
Lucyhere wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:32 pm
Think whatever you would like, but for god's sake, think twice before you post something that just may make things even more unbearable than they already are.
You may need to think way more than twice because you seem to have all but given up.

As someone who "used to be cool", and with all due respect, here is what I would advise:
If you know you’re sensitive to controversial topics (OT or not) that induce you into depression and anxiety or __________ (fill in the blank with anything else) …. then, don’t click and read the thread. I swear to you it will work every ding dang single time and you’ll never have to force anyone not to read something or to even think twice or more times before they or you post something. Easy peasy. That’s my honest "stick a needle in my eye and hope I die" truth!
President-pretender, J. Biden, said "the DNC has built the largest voter fraud organization in US history". Too bad they didn’t build the smartest voter fraud organization and got caught.

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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by Lucyhere » Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:32 pm

DS... was sorry to read you were one of the unlucky ones to get Covid-19. Also sorry that your brain got fried during your recovery. Not to worry too much though, every day the doctors and scientists are learning more and more about this terrible virus. Hopefully, one day they will be able to get inside your brain and rewire it.
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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by chunkyfrog » Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:55 pm

Time to lock or delete THIS thread!

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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by Goofproof » Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:48 am

Too Bad, Science was misused to create weapons like Sars and Covid-19 in the first place. Also Too Bad the people involved didn't get what they deserve, and are still alive to make more effective weapons, this one was effective and deployed, without a war. I'm still trying to figure out the why on that one.

Doesn't anyone care about anything anymore? China's first strike was costly but still a success. Jim
Use data to optimize your xPAP treatment!

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Re: OT.....Is there an off-topic board where I can continue a locked discussion?

Post by Dog Slobber » Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:14 am

Goofproof wrote:
Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:48 am
Too Bad, Science was misused to create weapons like Sars and Covid-19 in the first place.
Citation needed.
