How Fat Are You?

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Sleeping With The Enemy
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How Fat Are You?

Post by Sleeping With The Enemy » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:31 pm

I know this sounds horrible, but I just want to know how many of us are overweight and by how much.

If you don't want to share, please pass this post by...

Otherwise, share you stats...

I'm a 37year old white female with 4 children (20, 10, 6, 3) all boys, I am 5'4" and weight 220 right now. I need to get down to at least 140 to be healthier...

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Post by dirtsurfer57 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:49 pm

AAAHHH I'm not scared, I'm 6'3 and weigh 280 pretty beefy!!!!! Hopefully I can get down to around 240 and I'll be happy, and I'm hoping the Cpap will help jump start my metabolism. Come on you guys fess up!

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Post by momexp5 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:06 pm

41yo, 5'2" and 120 lb - not a very healthy 120, though, I have a "poor constitution" of course (thank you OSA and allergies), and really struggled with my pregnancies.

SWTE, have you had your thyroid checked? My mom had an awful time with her weight and it turned out her thyroid had pretty much shut down in her 30s.
41yow, 118lb, severe OSA, lots of allergies, had surgery for deviated septum.
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Tubby Guy

Post by eyedropp3r » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:14 pm

I just weighed myself yesterday.

5' 11" and 256lbs. God, I'm a lard-o.


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Post by stetsongirl » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:52 pm

I'm 58 yrs oldm 5'5" and 212 lbs. 15 yrs ago I was 135.
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Post by Boomer » Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:05 pm

As you can see from my pic to the left, I'm 9yrs old, 15lbs, fuzzy all over, and cute as a button.

My human is a real wide load, he's (barely) 5'8", squishes livin' crap outta the bathroom scales at just 2 lbs. shy of 300. 41 yrs. old. However, he tells me he was just tested last week and his doc says all his blood work came back normal, sugar was a little elevated, but not bad at all, at 105.




Post by TerryFlower51 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:49 pm

Hey Boomer what a sweet little pup you have on your message.

I'm 5'4" and bounce from 220-230 lately. When I am faithful at low carbing and exercising (not lately...i'm too tired to make the effort, hopefully the cpap will help get some energy back!) I bounce from 216-224.
I've lost 30 pounds but have mostly been in a stall for the past 6 months+. Doctor ordered a thyroid test. Even when I worked at a fitness club and personally did aerobics and strength training for about 12-15 hrs per week for a 3 month period I didn't lose weight (toned up some, but no weight loss). I got so frustrated at having been lcing for 2 yrs w/little success that this past month or so I've eaten brownies, pizza, all my dh's favorites which I formerly ignored (he of course is in good shape) aargh.... Terry

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Post by snork1 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:59 pm

intertesting phrasing and assumptions on the topic.
But i will throw my wrench into the works or stats into the mix.
I don't consider myself fat or overweight. Of course I don't believe the human body only has a plus or minus 5 pound "ideal weight" tolerance spread for every physique in the world.

All that being said, I am 52 years old, 5foot 11inches, 197 pounds and would look silly or have to lose a fair amount of muscle if I weighed 20 pounds less or whatever is "approved" weight. Probably tougher to do regular mtn biking or knock off the 16 mile hike planned for this coming weekend, if I was a wimpy string bean.

Of course if your weight is enough to be getting in the way and makes you feel physically bad, then maybe it IS "fat". And MAJOR amounts of extra weight probably does make OSA worse, even if its not the original or only cause.

Still think its an interesting assumption for the title of the thread.....
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Post by twistedcherokee » Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:21 pm

I am 48 yrs old ands weigh around 260. I need to get down to 190-200 range. Not real fat but do have a gut. But a month ago I was 265 so I hope this is a good sign.


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Post by Snuffle-nose » Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:17 am


I am 5ft 1 3/4 women and I am 70kgs......I do not know the convertsion of kg's to pounds. I used to be 65kgs and I put on 5 kgs on recently. I do not know how many pounds I am at the moment.
Been on CPAP for a while.....I had moderate apenoa

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Post by rock and roll » Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:53 am

I am 5'111/2" and 238. Fat enough to be going into type B diabetes my doctor is saying.

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Post by DrDroopy » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:04 am

There was an interesting article in this month's AARP magazine (which I am WAY too young to read but my OLD husband just started getting) that reviews a study published in the research journal of the American Medical Society. In the study, the researchers were looking for how weight effects the death rate. What they found is that if you have normal cholesterol, blood pressure and no diabetes, then people who are somewhat overweight -- I think up to 30 pounds -- actually have the fewest deaths. After that comes people who are at their target weight. Then, people who who are seriously overweight AND people who are underweight have slightly greater risk of death, but far less than you might think. It said that among people who are seriously overweight, there are 15,000 more death per year among the entire US population, which is a drop in the bucket compared to deaths related to things like smoking and drinking. Of course, this does not account for joint problems and so on, but the point they were making is that the stress we feel about dying prematurely due to weight is probably greater than the actual risk, if we are okay with cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes. It was finally a piece of good news for me, since drs and strangers alike have made a profession out of feeling good about themselves through criticizing me. I'm overweight but have a total cholesterol of 94, bp usually around 110/65 and no diabetes. Given that the day I gave birth I weighed 25 pounds less than the day I got pregnant, my body chemistry has always been a bit of a mystery to me and my doctors.


Post by Snowdog » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:13 am

I'm a 35 year old, 5'5" inch male. Right now I'm at about 194 pounds. At my worst I was brushing against 200. I'm on a diet because my regular doctor has given me until August to get my chloresterol down. Total is about 202, he doesn't want to see anything above 200. I'm not going on pills for a measly two points. When I went with my first meeting with my neurologist a couple of months ago she ran my numbers on her little wheel and asked if any of my doctors had ever said I was obese. Nope, they've all said that I "could stand to lose a few pounds". She looks at me with a straight face and says "well, welcome to obesity".

I'm planning on dropping down to 165, where all the charts that I can find say I should be. My regular doctor agrees that it's a good target.

The good news is that if I lose the weight there's a chance that the apnea will go away. I never had problems until I started putting on the weight (as far as I know). A good friend of mine was morbidly obese and had severe apnea. He had the gastric bypass and lost 150 pounds. His apnea went away. Mine might not go away if I lose the weight but it's something to hope for.

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Post by DrainedDad » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:25 am

I am 43 years old, 5' 7" tall, and weight 205#.

I have always been heavy except for a five year period when I got consumed with running. I did 5 marathons in 2 years and was training everyday. At that point in my life I weighed 165 and felt the best I ever had in my life, physically. But my family suffered so I had to make a choice between running and being a dad. Dad won out. Now that the kids are old enough to run with me and I am starting to get energy again maybe I can get it going again, (with moderation ). The kids have been bugging me to go running with them.
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Post by rock and roll » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:27 am

Well, I DO have high cholesterol, 238 while on two medications for it, super high trys at 1100 and on medication for it, high bloodpressure while on two medications for it, and I am developing diabetes type 2. Ah the genetics!

Having said that, my family does have a history of heart problems and that is usually the cause of death, but not until old age, my father at 91, my mother is still alive at 79, my grandfather lived to 101. I hope I inherit that!