Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

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Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:14 pm

I have been a cpap user for nearly 10 years and never found a "Home Run" mask until now. Sure a few doubles, singles and triples, but nothing fully out of the park, much less into the bleachers. For you baseball fans you will understand what I mean. Finally, I hit a real home run....for the first time ever with the Bleep-Dreamport. Not one wake up attributable to the DreamPort on the very first night...not one and we all know how first nights with brand new masks of any kind can go. I don't know how I can beat a home run, and it has got easier and better the more I used it, but the first night I was blown away by my success.
Those doubters among you all...let me explain.

I have always been a nasal pillow user with brief trials of other masks just for the fun to trying something new. I just like to experiment for the fun of experimenting and the education I always get with any experiment. What I learned with my experimenting is that I want the least amount of "stuff" on my face and head as possible. However, when getting less "stuff", we have to sacrifice something somewhere. I found that to get less on my face and head I usually had to sacrifice stability in either the headgear or pillows.

So for the past 9 plus years as new pillow masks were released they were tried, and sometimes they became my new primary mask and sometimes they earned the "it's an okay mask" classification which means I liked it but not well enough for it to unseat the current primary mask at the time. During this time I have privately said..."I wish I could figure out some way to tape/glue the nasal pillows to my nose and just ditch the headgear and not have to mess with a mouth guard either".
When I first read about the Bleep nasal mask the first thought through my mind was "finally someone has actually done what I have always said I wished I could do...glue the mask to my nostrils/nose and there's no headgear to mess with at all". I was 99.99% sure that the Bleep would be a perfect mask for me.

So I finally got to try it, and I was right...for me it is indeed the perfect mask, and I get to say something I have never said about any mask...that I love the Bleep mask. I never could bring myself to really use the "love" word about anything related to cpap. I would always say "like" or "causes me the least annoyances or problems" or "it's okay and I can be successful with it". I would always say that no mask is ever totally perfect for me as I would always find some little something about a mask that kept it from being "perfect" (at least for me and my needs). I am actually a tough consumer and hard to please.

The no headgear thing is very important to me in my personal preferences department. I find headgear annoying, and straps leave dents or marks on my face even with good quality strap pads or I get a bag under one eye from the straps reducing circulation. My skin is such that the least little thing will leave a substantial mark on my face that doesn't go away quickly. Highly annoying ...I don't want to look in the mirror at the beauty shop 8 hours after getting up and seeing lines down my cheeks.

I know that each person is an individual and each person is going to have their own individual personal preferences, wants and needs. So no mask out there is ever going to be "perfect" for 100% of the users out there. It's just the way it is for any mask. What we have to do is figure out is our own personal preferences and the work on finding the mask that meets our own preferences, needs and wants the best.

So I want no headgear, and I want light, and I want it to disappear so that I don't even notice it being on my face or nose or whatever and I want silent. Tough order to fill when we also need it to be stable and not leak and not move around and not cause us wake ups because it is uncomfortable in some area.

The Bleep fills my tough order with my specific preferences, wants and needs. I can't think of one thing that I would need to do to alter it to make it better in terms of fulfilling my needs.

When I follow the directions for using it cleaning my face properly (and I admit I have cheated and didn't do what I was supposed to do and paid the price when the adhesive failed at about 4 AM and I got leaks that woke me up, but I am a quick learner to not repeat that cheating) the adhesive sticks solidly all night.
It's silent unless I don't have the ports attached properly or the vented air bounces off something.
It disappears on my face in about 5 seconds...meaning I simply don't even feel that it is there attached to my nose.
I don't have marks on my face from straps.
It weighs next to nothing.

It is perfect for me and I love it.

So....Advantages over my past 6 weeks of use
Women (and men who care)...NO BAGS under the eyes or strap marks/dents.
NO LEAKS at the mask level if you follow the instructions.
No sizing needed for pillow/cushion...the ports will fit all sizes of nostrils from tiny peanut nostrils to gorilla nostrils. NOTHING at all goes inside the inner cone rim to need to size and fit on the outside of the nostril that can't move or the seal is lost.
No headgear.
Vent noise...not an issue at all for me. No Darth Vadar sounds or anything like that. Explained in more detail later as I know there will be questions about the venting. Venting is silent to my ear.
The adhesive stays put if I follow the directions and it doesn't tear off layer of skin when I remove it. It's just like pulling off a bandaid..not difficult at all.
Weighs next to nothing.
Disappears on the face just after a few seconds and I don't even notice it being on my nose.
I sleep in any and all positions that I want to sleep in including having my face being buried in the bed pillow and I am on my stomach.

If a person has really bad arthritis in their hands and limited dexterity...attaching the ports to the mask might be difficult. May need some help.
If a person has a bad cold or allergies and a snotty, drippy mess of a nose...the adhesive probably will get wet and fail. For that reason I would suggest people have another mask available for times when we are ill.

Here's a SleepyHead report from a recent night.


Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:15 pm

Review from forum member djams. I am the only one who can edit held space so this is the only way I can put it in here but this is exactly what was sent to me. Only thing I added was the images because he didn't know how to do that in a PM.
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DreamPort review


I'm really lucky in that Pugsy got me involved in this pre-release trial to provide the perspective of a newbie. I'm 10 months into the CPAP journey. So I'd like to share my thoughts as well.

I'm assuming that everyone reading this has watched Jason's review:, and has a basic understanding of how the Dreamport works.

I *think* the best way to compare the Dreamport to the various masks I've used is to list a problem that I've had with masks, and talk about how the Dreamport addresses those issues. As I'm writing this, I've got 6 days of use with the DreamPort.

Open sore on bridge of nose
Obviously, the DreamPort doesn't contact the bridge of my nose. So what about soreness in general? I've experienced none. On the morning after the first night of use, I just *knew* that it was going to hurt when I peeled the tape off. Not at all.

Strap marks on my face and back of neck
Well, these are just gone. Period. A thing of the past. Can you imagine?

This wasn't a problem for me until I started using the F30 mask. And it didn't show up in the typical anxiety/panic way. I had a dream twice during the 3-4 weeks I used the F30 in which my head was confined in a tight, constricting square cage. Woke me up pretty freaked out both times. This experience is what made me consider nasal masks.

Leaks, leaks, leaks
Anyone who has followed my therapy thread knows that leaks have been an issue for me. I've been fighting them constantly since switching to nasal masks. Mouth leak? Mask Leak? It's been extremely difficult for me to troubleshoot. After a week using the DreamPort, I can tell you that it simply doesn't leak. Zero - and I've got the SleepyHead charts to prove it. In my case, this is invaluable because now I know where to focus my leak fixing. It's mouth leak, end of story. I laid in bed after waking up the second morning and tugged, twisted, wiggled up/down and side/side. After a full night of use, I couldn't get it to leak.

Overall therapy comfort and effectiveness
With any new mask I've tried, there's always been something that I have to "get used to". This adjustment period could take a week or more, and my sleep could be impacted while adjusting. I found the DreamPort adjustment to be one night. The first night, it took me 45 minutes to get to sleep - and I think this was because there was nothing on my head. The airflow that the DreamPort provides is 100% unconstricted. I've been able to drop my therapy min pressure (again), which can only help with my mouth leaks. I tried a 2cm drop from 9cm to 7cm, but felt starved for air, so I'm currently at 8cm, and will be bumping down slowly over the coming weeks to see if I can eventually take 7cm - and maintain an acceptable AHI. With FFM's, I was at 12cm min pressure. So far, my "asleep AHI" using the DreamPort is 0.0 to 0.25

The DreamPort is small and light. And I want to mention the short hose. For whatever reason, in Jason's video the short hose comes across looking like a semi-rigid pipe (maybe it was at the time). When I watched it, I looked at that and thought "I won't like that". On the DreamPort delivered to me the hose is very flexible.

And I'll state the obvious. No mask leaks means no arousals from mask leaks. If you're one of the lucky PAP'ers who are able to keep your mouth closed while you sleep (I envy you). You'll never have an arousal from leaking again.

Cons - there's gotta be some, right?
Yes, there are.
There is a noticeable venting of air. Venting is on the bottom, so the vent flow runs parallel to the chest. Pretty much a 90 degree difference in air flow direction from other nasal pillows and nasal cushions I've used. This is the only noise the DreamPort makes. Easily tolerable for me after wearing the "air through the headgear" masks from ResMed and Respironics for a while. YMMV here.

I managed to disconnect the tube from the frame in the middle of the night once (like I said, rowdy heavy sleeper). This isn't easily reconnected in the dark. After 2 or 3 false starts, I finally got out of bed, went to bathroom, turned the light on and got it put back together. Time will tell if this is going to be an on-going problem for me.

Starting out, attaching the "sticky things" and plugging in to the receptacles seems like a lot of messing around. Seemed like a disruption of my bedtime routine. Really does need to be done in front of a mirror. That's starting to change as I learn how to do it - still need the mirror though.

The Bleep Dreamport is comfortable, quiet and leak free. Think about that last part - LEAK FREE. After only one week of use, I know that this is "the one". It really is a revolutionary development in xPAP therapy IMHO.

I've used the word "DreamPort" a lot in this review, you may have gotten tired of seeing it. It's because I really feel like calling it a mask is doing it a disservice. It isn't a mask at all - it's the anti-mask. Something all together new.

Here are SleepyHead charts from my 3rd and 4th nights of using the DreamPort.



Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:15 pm

by palerider » Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:30 am

My time with the Bleep:

Let me start out by saying, back in January 2018 when I saw the video by thelankylefty27 introducing the Bleep mask and it's creator, I thought it was kinda silly.

Now, you know I've got firm opinions of things, but I've said that I welcome being proven wrong, by credible evidence, not just hearsay or someone's opinion, if I'm wrong, I learn something.

In this case, I've been proven wrong, the Bleep mask isn't silly, I was wrong, and I learned something.

Pugsy started telling me about her trials of the Bleep, and I started to see why it was really something she liked, because it didn't have a headgear and wasn't causing any lines on her face, and that she didn't have to fiddle with it during the night to stop it from leaking.

I've been using the P10 for a few years, and I like it, I like how easy it is to put on and take off, and I like how quiet it is, and how the vent is so diffused, it's almost not there. So, all in all, I'm a tough sell for a new mask, being as happy as I am with the P10. It does get pulled out of place and I usually have to fiddle with it when I roll over to find a more comfortable position.

Well, I ended up getting a chance to try the Bleep myself. I'm still on the fence as to whether it will become my favorite mask, but, I have to say, I like it. It's not perfect, there's some things I'd think could be improved, but overall, it's very nice.

Even though both the Bleep's creator, and Pugsy *strongly* urged me to read the directions, and watch Jason's video, and the instructional videos on the web page, I decided to be that stubborn person that throws away the instructions without even glancing at 'em when he gets a new mask, because I *KNOW* there will be people that do that, and some will come here and complain, and I figured I might have a better idea what they could do to make it work better. Even with that, I had a good nights sleep the first night. I tried something different the second night, and I still got a good night's sleep. THEN I read the instructions :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

With any mask, I think reading the instructions is helpful, but with the Bleep, since it's so different, I'd strongly recommend reading the instructions, and watching the videos... It's not that it's terribly complicated or anything, but it is very different.

It's kind of fiddly to put on, having to attach the Dreamports to my nose, and the skin on my nose is kinda oily, so I've had trouble getting the adhesive to stick all night long... it's usually got a little leak by the time I wake up, although last night, it was still sealed well when I woke, but started leaking a bit as I was moving around before getting up.

However, what I have noticed is that I don't have to fiddle with it during the night, not once, and I think that more than makes up for a little leaking while I'm waking up. I think my sleep is less interrupted as a result... and that's a big win.

I wish the hose was longer... (I told Pugsy that, and she said she's glad that it's shorter... so, differences in opinion. That's ok). The exhaust venting bothers me, having been spoiled by the P10's diffused vent. It's silent as far as I can tell, but it is a stream, and will make noise if it hits something, and unfortunately, there's a hose right in the middle for it to hit, it doesn't make much noise when that happens, but even small amounts of air noise bother me more than they should. I think maybe part of the reason that it bothers me more than it does Pugsy is that I run much higher pressures than she normally does, 18/13 and up, so there is more air venting, but it doesn't hiss out of the vent like with some masks. I came up with an idea to use a spare course filter as a diffuser, and that worked great. I don't hear any noise, and can't feel the air unless I put my fingers right next to the vent.

So basically, there's a little that I'm not fond of, but, there's things about every mask that I've ever tried that I'm not fond of.

Now that I've told you what I don't like, in gory detail... I can say what I do like about it by pointing to Pugsy's review. Because everything she's said about what's good about this mask is true.

Once you get it on, you can pretty much forget about it till morning. I think I can breathe better with it than with the P10, because the ports are more open than the P10 openings, it's not a huge difference (I use the large pillows) but the airholes are bigger in the Dreamports than the P10 pillows... so, slightly better airflow for big breaths.

I like the fact that it doesn't slip around *any* once it's in place, it's just there, and I can breathe.

I'm sure that Stuart, the creator of the mask, would rather that I post nothing but a glowing review, but I figure if that happened, y'all would think I'd been abducted by aliens and replace by a robot.

I like it, it's not perfect, but I think it's going to be a very popular mask among the nasal/pillow people. I don't know that I'll necessarily use it all the time, I wouldn't want to use a set of the Dreamports for a nap, and sometimes while testing it, I've been really tired and just wanted to slip on the P10... but I went ahead and did the setup affixing the Dreamports to my snozz and clipping the mask on, since I said I'd give it a fair test... Last night was one of those nights, I almost skipped out, but honestly, I'm glad I didn't, because I didn't have to do any mask adjustments all night long.

I'm still "testing" as far as I'm concerned, and still experimenting to see how it works *for me*... but I'm very happy to stay I WAS WRONG... This mask may seem silly on the surface, but for a lot of people, it's going to be simply AMAZING!

(I know my explanation of what I did with the filter will raise questions, so here's a pic;
I just cut a cross in the middle, and pressed it over where the hose goes, then snapped the hose back on.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:16 pm

by kteague » Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:49 am
Here is my mask review after two weeks of use. Pugsy will move the post to it's proper place in this thread at a later time.


Overview: The Dreamport Bleep is an ultra lightweight mask that feels nearly invisible in use after becoming familiar. Following is my journey to reaching familiarity and my observations on the mask and my use of it.

I began my trial of the Bleep with hesitancy. If it’s not broke don’t fix it, right? I was content with using the TapPap and already experiencing being headgear free, leak free, and pretty much hassle free. Yet I was curious, and a bit concerned about the possibility of some upcoming dental work that could affect my ability to wear the mouthpiece of the TapPap. As one with quite fragile sleep anyway, I dreaded the adjustment phase that comes with every new mask I’ve tried. Nearly every mask I’ve used I’ve taken the liberty to make DIY modifications so that it could meet my specific expectations. The adjustment phase on the Bleep pretty much ended for me between nights 3 and 5.

On the first night I wondered what I had gotten myself into. After thirteen years of using various nasal pillows masks which fit up against my nose, the tugging sensation instead of pushing upward felt so foreign I feared I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I quickly learned that allowing the mask to rest on my pillow while side sleeping gave it enough support to not feel any tug.

Managing the adhesive on the nose pieces seemed common sense, but I was a bit of a knucklehead. I did learn the hard way to remove them from the paper backing by holding the nose pieces to minimize handling of the adhesive. The trimmed pieces I used as reinforcement midline above and below where the main sections overlap. I’m an ounce-of-prevention kind of gal. With fragile sleep I just didn’t want to risk a wakeup from a leak as had happened twice in the early nights of use. That made me a believer in careful skin prep. Alcohol made my skin sting under the adhesive pads, so I switched to an astringent for sensitive skin. I use the Sea Breeze brand as it was already in the house, and I’ve had no need to look for other options. Also learned to allow my skin to dry thoroughly after cleansing. And no, I cannot moisturize inside my dry nose and think it won’t migrate outward and affect adhesion. Had no trouble with leaks after being more mindful of my prep. I take an allergy med every night - have done that for years to minimize drainage issues when masked up. That became more important to me with this mask as it’s not one I could just pop off and back on due to the adhesive pads being single use. A person with a lot of sinus issues might not find this mask the best for them. After a few nights I didn’t even feel the adhesive pads on my face. I’ve had no skin issues on removal.

The construction of the mask took some getting used to. My familiar TapPap was a workhorse requiring no special handling consideration. The Bleep is featherweight, and some areas proved prone to come apart for this restless sleeper who had not yet mastered hose management. The mask was not easy for me to reattach half asleep in the dark with no mirror. I found I hadn’t truly studied the mask enough to handle those challenges. The bottom piece has a right and wrong direction. I could put it back together now by feel, but don’t have a need any longer because I put a tiny rubber band around the mask on each side of the hose for stabilization of the bottom piece. I was a few nights in before I got the hang of getting the nose pieces properly seated, not realizing early on that they will click into place. And that the ports twist for the stems to click into place in the side notches. Not having things secured properly caused me leak and coming apart issues the first few nights. Once I was more intimately familiar with the mask, those became non issues. One important caution is to not disengage the mask pieces while half asleep. One morning in a stupor I had inadvertently left one of the port pieces attached to the nosepiece and nearly threw it away. Had to be more mindful.

I found the vent air to be too noisy for my sensitivities when the air hit the covers. I followed someone else’s tip and used a machine filter cross-slit in the middle and slid up on the hose as a diffuser. Problem solved.

In fact, I found all my early issues solvable, and most a result of user error. I am enjoying this mask. I remember when I first used the TapPap how the freedom from headgear was heavenly. I think anyone currently using headgear will be able to appreciate the freedom the Bleep offers. For the most part I’m hardly aware of having the mask on. I still appreciate the unbeatable stability and removability of the TapPap. I also appreciate the minimalism of the Bleep and the opportunity to even further reduce the physical footprint of my treatment. Drooling has stopped with no mouthpiece. That in itself has reduced my wakeups by 2-3 a night. At two weeks in I can say I sleep as well with either of my two favorite masks.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:18 pm

Open for questions that you all might have and I didn't cover it in the above review.
And yes...I made the official change in my primary mask just now. The P10 will be my back up mask...maybe used for naps because I don't want to burn the ports for just an hour nap or if I am ill with a snotty nose or something like that.
We have 3 other forum members testing the Bleep...they haven't had it as long as I have had it so their reviews will come a bit later.
One person just got it a few days ago.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by booksfan » Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:03 pm

I am thrilled to read that the Bleep is such a success for you! Like you, I have been eagerly awaiting it ever since I heard about it.

I started on APAP Jan 2018. Since that time, I have tried almost 20 different masks, a couple of them twice. I have not found headgear that stays put for several reasons including fine, silky hair, small head, and the lack of the bump/protrusion on the back of my head that holds the back strap on for most people. The strap slipping up dislodges the mask, causing leaks and waking me. Mask leakage and exhaust blowing have exacerbated dry eye to the point that I had to have punctal plugs put in my eyes last spring. I sleep on my stomach and/or side and mask shifting or dislodgement due to movement causes waking multiple times per night. Sometimes I hold the mask in place so I can fall asleep. :cry: My (sadly older) skin shows strap marks for HOURS every morning and most recently I have broken out in zits (AT 60!! really?) under where the strap crosses my face! I anticipate all these problems will be solved by the Bleep. I can't wait to get mine!

After all this, I actually do have a question. You said the venting was quiet. Does it blow air across your face, specifically your eyes? Thanks!

Machine: AirSense 11 Autoset
Mask: Bleep DreamPort CPAP Mask Solution
Additional Comments: AirMini for travel, with Eclipse/Halos. OSCAR software.
Mask: Bleep Eclipse/Halos
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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:24 pm

booksfan wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:03 pm
You said the venting was quiet. Does it blow air across your face, specifically your eyes?
Thanks for this question. I wanted to address the venting separately in more detail because it entails so much discussion.

The vent holes are tiny holes similar to the holes on the P10 or maybe the Mirage Quattro. Multiple tiny holes as opposed to one or two big holes like with the DreamWear or Swift FX or those masks without teeny tiny holes for venting.
It is diffused to be silent but you can still feel it (which of course with the P10 you can't feel it) BUT the holes are at the bottom of the mask down next to where the short hose attaches to the mask area. The vented air blows way could it ever blow into your eyes unless it is bouncing off something like your arm or the bed covers.

The force of the vented air people will want to know about....hard to describe but somewhere between the Swift FX vent force and the P10. It's going to depend on what pressure someone uses as to how forceful it is.
At my minimum pressure of 7 cm...I can feel it blowing on my hand up to around 4 inches away from the vent holes. After that I can't feel it and I never hear it unless it is bouncing off something.
I did test higher pressures just to see how much difference it 10 cm I can feel it up to around 6 inches from the vent holes and at 15 cm I can feel it at the bottom of the short hose (which is roughly 8 inches long).

It was silent at all pressures unless it bounced off Darth Vadar noise..nothing like that. No real conducted type of noise either. I don't hear breathing noise of any kind. I don't hear machine noise. I don't hear anything.

Now I have had adhesive failure and you will likely get some air going towards the eyes if the ports come loose but the ONLY time I have had this happen was when I cheated and didn't wash my face like I am supposed to. I had this happen last night...I cheated and I developed a tiny leak coming between the 2 ports and between my 2 nostrils at the bottom of my nose. From the looks of the report...I slept through it all. Woke up around 6 AM with it leaking up my nose and into my eyes a little. I could feel it but I don't think that is what woke me up. I had slept through bigger leaks earlier in the night (2 hours before the 6 AM wake up) and didn't remember it.
I think I woke up because of my usual back pain at 6 AM...I was on my back and that always causes me pain and wake ups.
What I did was just turn over on my side and with my hand just put a little pressure upwards on the hose and the leak stopped and I went back to sleep for another hour.

There are plans for a clip on diffuser later so that the vented air won't bounce off something and annoy us but it's really something that can be easily fixed up right now. My first night using it I just taped a single layer of gauze over the holes. Here lately I just stuck a machine filter below the holes to diffuse the vented air.
So how annoying the vented air is will depend on what pressures are being used and is it bouncing off something.
It is extremely easy to fix up a DIY diffuser though...and safe.

Every mistake someone can make with it...I have done it. :lol: :lol:

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by jim22 » Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:50 pm

It looks like the adhesive ports will make it very expensive to use! I see one online price of $40 for a 16 day supply! :o

Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: AirFit™ P30i Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear Starter Pack
Additional Comments: Heated Humidifer, Non-Heated tube, Oscar
Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset, Swift FX nasal pillows mask

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:04 pm

jim22 wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:50 pm
It looks like the adhesive ports will make it very expensive to use!
The cost of the ports per night is going to be a deal breaker for people with high deductible or self pay.
No way around that.

Now if someone has insurance...a box of the ports is equal to 1 nasal pillow and most insurance will allow 2 nasal pillows per month in their replacement allowance.
The HCPCS billing code is the exact same billing code as for nasal pillows
A7033 or A7034.

With my Medicare (and I don't have a supplement to cover my 20% copay) my out of pocket expense is somewhere around 7 or 8 bucks for the equivalent of 2 nasal pillows copay.
That's doable.

So it all depends on how bad someone wants to use this mask and is that cost a deal breaker or not.
I am just reporting on my experience with it. You guys/gals have to decide how badly you might want to use it or not.
It's going to be covered by insurance just like any other mask....for those of you all fortunate enough to have insurance.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by booksfan » Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:32 pm

OK, Pugsy, I'm going to apologize in advance for all the questions :D since I've thought of another, and thank you for your patience and thoroughness in answering.

You mentioned washing your face properly prior to adhering the ports. Do you have you used a special cleanser?While I am not particularly high-maintenance, I use a drugstore facial cleanser, it is for dry skin, so it is a hydrating cleanser. I know Jason (Lanky Lefty) said in his reviews to wait to moisturize until after sticking them in. But I think I also heard somewhere about using alcohol pads to prep before applying? :shock: I can't imagine using alcohol on my face! Especially on a daily basis.

Machine: AirSense 11 Autoset
Mask: Bleep DreamPort CPAP Mask Solution
Additional Comments: AirMini for travel, with Eclipse/Halos. OSCAR software.
Mask: Bleep Eclipse/Halos
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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:41 pm

booksfan wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:32 pm
Do you have you used a special cleanser?
Actually nothing really special. I use a mild moisturizing facial cleanser.
Then I dry it and I use an alcohol swab only on my nostrils and a small area on the side of my nostril where the adhesive goes...and I trim those ports down. I don't use the whole adhesive thing on my nose. I use about half of it. It's quite large compared to what is actually needed in my case.
The area that gets the alcohol...very small and it's just a wipe down with the swab/wipe. There is no need for doing anything special to the face except in the really small area that the ports stick to.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by Pugsy » Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:46 pm

Here are a couple of pictures of the vent holes and the bottom part of the mask.
The air goes out the holes pretty much straight down when the mask is attached to the nose.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

If you want to try the Eclipse mask and want a special promo code to get a little off the price...send me a private message.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by sleepy-programmer » Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:05 am

Wait so it just tapes to your face? Wow. I think I'd like this because headgear bothers my jaw. However I have facial hair … would have to shave that to wear this mask I'd think. :lol:

I am really happy you found a mask you love!

Mask: AirFit™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Also have TMJD.

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by palerider » Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:15 am

sleepy-programmer wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:05 am
Wait so it just tapes to your face? Wow. I think I'd like this because headgear bothers my jaw. However I have facial hair … would have to shave that to wear this mask I'd think. :lol:

I am really happy you found a mask you love!
Based on Jason's video, only if you've got a hairy nose :D

It might be the mask for you, nothing at all anywhere near the jaw.

Mask: Bleep DreamPort CPAP Mask Solution
Additional Comments: S9 VPAP Auto

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Re: Bleep/DreamPort nasal mask review thread

Post by SDBud » Sun Feb 17, 2019 1:28 am

Pugsy wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:14 pm
I have been a cpap user for nearly 10 years and never found a "Home Run" mask until now. Sure a few doubles, singles and triples, but nothing fully out of the park, much less into the bleachers. For you baseball fans you will understand what I mean. Finally, I hit a real home run..
Sounds like a commercial.

Whatever works for you. Pillows and nasal mask DID NOT work for me, full face works great.
Airsense 10 Autoset
AirTouch and AirFit F10 masks