General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.
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Post by Conzo » Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:33 pm

Hi everyone, I'm new here but have been browsing the forums for a while as I believe I'm suffering from UARS, I would greatly appreciate some input on my symptoms, preferably from people who also have UARS.

To start, I'm 21, Male and quite skinny/slim, I have a neck circumference of 14 inches and a slightly receding chin/lower jaw.

It started around 5 months ago when I started suffering from Nasal congestion and post nasal drip, I can't be sure what caused this but I'm pretty sure it was caused by sanding down a lot of paint/metal one day without wearing a mask.

Anyway, the trouble I'm having with my sleep is, I can usually sleep for maybe 4 or 5 hours sometimes I will awaken once or twice for a short time, after that I tend to wake up and fall in and out of sleep and find it hard to maintain sleep until I actually get out of bed, The problem is I never really feel completely refreshed, I do not in anyway suffer from sleepiness, to be honest I find it hard to sleep most of the time, I suffer more from fatigue and just general tiredness.
So my symptoms are,
Post nasal drip, Thick clear mucous which doesn't seem to stop accumulating.
Dry nasal congestion (more stuffy than runny, although at times it does get runny)
Sometimes Muscle aches and twitches
Vivid dreams (this only happens when I'm falling in and out of sleep in the morning before I get out of bed as I mentioned above, although sometimes I can't remember dreaming at all or it's a very vague memory)
Cold feet
Ear aches
Cluster headaches (I think these are related to my ear pain)

I also cannot sleep on my back, last time I tried I woke up with a choking sensation gasping for air.

Does this sound like UARS?

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Post by Julie » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:02 pm

Hi, and welcome. It sounds like you might have apnea, but it also sounds like you have seasonal allergies and possible other issues, none of which we're qualified to begin diagnosing. Your doctor needs to do that, not us and not a bunch of internet sites full of conflicting symptoms, fixes, and well meaning but ignorant strangers. Get properly tested, get diagnosed, and if you have apnea, or UARS or chronic fatigue or just allergic rhinitis and depression (that can mess up your sleep!) come back and let us know, and we'll try to help. You cannot do this alone and shouldn't try to. And don't sleep on your back - not good for apnea anyhow.

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Post by Conzo » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:32 pm

Julie wrote:Hi, and welcome. It sounds like you might have apnea, but it also sounds like you have seasonal allergies and possible other issues, none of which we're qualified to begin diagnosing. Your doctor needs to do that, not us and not a bunch of internet sites full of conflicting symptoms, fixes, and well meaning but ignorant people, some of whom have who-knows-what personal agendas. Get tested, get diagnosed, and if you have apnea, or UARS or chronic fatigue or just allergic rhinitis and depression (that can mess up your sleep!) come back and let us know, and we'll try to help. You cannot do this alone and shouldn't try to. And don't sleep on your back - not good for apnea anyhow.
Hi, Thanks for responding, at first I actually thought I had CFS but realized my symptoms are too mild and It seems the better my sleep is, the less fatigued I am. I'm pretty sure I have some kind of Rhinitis but, whether it's caused by allergies or not I'm unsure but I am very sensitive to dust/certain smells. I do also suffer from Dysthymia (low grade depression), Anxiety and OCD, So my doctor pretty much just put's it down to that, which is frustrating as I honestly don't think that is the cause of my sleep problem (It could even be the opposite), although I would agree that it does exacerbate it, the more anxious/stress or obsessive I am, the worse my sleep is. Thanks again for you reply!

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Post by 49er » Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:54 pm

Conzo wrote:
Julie wrote:Hi, and welcome. It sounds like you might have apnea, but it also sounds like you have seasonal allergies and possible other issues, none of which we're qualified to begin diagnosing. Your doctor needs to do that, not us and not a bunch of internet sites full of conflicting symptoms, fixes, and well meaning but ignorant people, some of whom have who-knows-what personal agendas. Get tested, get diagnosed, and if you have apnea, or UARS or chronic fatigue or just allergic rhinitis and depression (that can mess up your sleep!) come back and let us know, and we'll try to help. You cannot do this alone and shouldn't try to. And don't sleep on your back - not good for apnea anyhow.
Hi, Thanks for responding, at first I actually thought I had CFS but realized my symptoms are too mild and It seems the better my sleep is, the less fatigued I am. I'm pretty sure I have some kind of Rhinitis but, whether it's caused by allergies or not I'm unsure but I am very sensitive to dust/certain smells. I do also suffer from Dysthymia (low grade depression), Anxiety and OCD, So my doctor pretty much just put's it down to that, which is frustrating as I honestly don't think that is the cause of my sleep problem (It could even be the opposite), although I would agree that it does exacerbate it, the more anxious/stress or obsessive I am, the worse my sleep is. Thanks again for you reply!

As an FYI, many people on this board were blown off by their doctors as having psych issues when they complained about sleep issues only to have sleep breathing disorders. Please be persistent and insist on seeing a sleep specialist if the doctor that is blaming everything on psych issues is your PCP. If it is a sleep specialist doing this, then find another one.

Best of luck.


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Post by Conzo » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:12 pm

49er wrote:
Conzo wrote:
Julie wrote:Hi, and welcome. It sounds like you might have apnea, but it also sounds like you have seasonal allergies and possible other issues, none of which we're qualified to begin diagnosing. Your doctor needs to do that, not us and not a bunch of internet sites full of conflicting symptoms, fixes, and well meaning but ignorant people, some of whom have who-knows-what personal agendas. Get tested, get diagnosed, and if you have apnea, or UARS or chronic fatigue or just allergic rhinitis and depression (that can mess up your sleep!) come back and let us know, and we'll try to help. You cannot do this alone and shouldn't try to. And don't sleep on your back - not good for apnea anyhow.
Hi, Thanks for responding, at first I actually thought I had CFS but realized my symptoms are too mild and It seems the better my sleep is, the less fatigued I am. I'm pretty sure I have some kind of Rhinitis but, whether it's caused by allergies or not I'm unsure but I am very sensitive to dust/certain smells. I do also suffer from Dysthymia (low grade depression), Anxiety and OCD, So my doctor pretty much just put's it down to that, which is frustrating as I honestly don't think that is the cause of my sleep problem (It could even be the opposite), although I would agree that it does exacerbate it, the more anxious/stress or obsessive I am, the worse my sleep is. Thanks again for you reply!

As an FYI, many people on this board were blown off by their doctors as having psych issues when they complained about sleep issues only to have sleep breathing disorders. Please be persistent and insist on seeing a sleep specialist if the doctor that is blaming everything on psych issues is your PCP. If it is a sleep specialist doing this, then find another one.

Best of luck.

This is my biggest concern, because my Doctor already knows I have anxiety problems and I think he'd rather just put it down to that being the cause rather than just sending me to a specialist. I'm in the UK so healthcare is free although I would probably have to wait a long time to see a sleep specialist, I just started working so once I have the money I'm going to pay to see a specialist if my sleep doesn't improve with mental health treatment.


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Post by stepyou » Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:37 am

Also from the UK, 25, female, slim and with a small jaw. I was diagnosed with UARS this year after 7 years of diagnosed depression. I actually ended up being referred from my orthodonist. I went to look at getting my overbite fixed and an orthodonist just saw depression in my notes, looked at my jaw and then just described my sleep to me, followed by 'off to the sleep clinic you go'! My orthodonist was actually annoyed that this had not been picked up by anyone before. I feel lucky that she picked up on it as I have been having psychotherapy for over a year and I'd say my depression is almost treated but I was still tired. My CPAP is actually only temporary while I get braces before jaw surgery in about 18 months (hopefully!) which will increase my airway. If it is your jaw causing the problem then that may be an option for you (although it is obviously surgery) or a mandibular advancement device or CPAP of course.

Whereabouts in the UK are you? In East Grinstead, which is near me, there is a specialist sleep disorder center. After finding out how long getting an appointment may be, I went private. It was about £200 I think and £400 for a 4 night at home oximeter study. After that, I went back to the NHS. You can go private once and then go back to the NHS to speed up the first referral. It's taken maybe 8 months from first seeing the orthodonist to getting my CPAP machine last week but I'd say going private for that first appointment sped things up by about 6 months. I also put myself on the list for cancellations for my CPAP trial which got me the machine about 6 weeks earlier than my planned appointment.

I'd say you could either see another doctor at your GP's office and explain everything. Or if you have the money, go private for the intial consultation, then go back to the NHS once they can see you need investigations/treatment.

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Post by Conzo » Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:18 pm

stepyou wrote:Also from the UK, 25, female, slim and with a small jaw. I was diagnosed with UARS this year after 7 years of diagnosed depression. I actually ended up being referred from my orthodonist. I went to look at getting my overbite fixed and an orthodonist just saw depression in my notes, looked at my jaw and then just described my sleep to me, followed by 'off to the sleep clinic you go'! My orthodonist was actually annoyed that this had not been picked up by anyone before. I feel lucky that she picked up on it as I have been having psychotherapy for over a year and I'd say my depression is almost treated but I was still tired. My CPAP is actually only temporary while I get braces before jaw surgery in about 18 months (hopefully!) which will increase my airway. If it is your jaw causing the problem then that may be an option for you (although it is obviously surgery) or a mandibular advancement device or CPAP of course.

Whereabouts in the UK are you? In East Grinstead, which is near me, there is a specialist sleep disorder center. After finding out how long getting an appointment may be, I went private. It was about £200 I think and £400 for a 4 night at home oximeter study. After that, I went back to the NHS. You can go private once and then go back to the NHS to speed up the first referral. It's taken maybe 8 months from first seeing the orthodonist to getting my CPAP machine last week but I'd say going private for that first appointment sped things up by about 6 months. I also put myself on the list for cancellations for my CPAP trial which got me the machine about 6 weeks earlier than my planned appointment.

I'd say you could either see another doctor at your GP's office and explain everything. Or if you have the money, go private for the intial consultation, then go back to the NHS once they can see you need investigations/treatment.
Hey thanks for replying, It's crazy that you went 7 years been blown off as having depression.

I'm in Northern Ireland, Not exactly sure what options I have but, I think my best bet would be to go private and have a sleep study done, I think my problem is constant nasal congestion and post nasal drip adding to my already small jaw, as I can remember both the tiredness and congestion started at the same time, just slept for 3 hours after staying up all night and my mum confirmed I was snoring. If you take a look at my symptoms above, do you see any similarities to your symptoms when you where untreated?
Thanks and I hope your treatment goes well.

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Post by stepyou » Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:25 pm

Conzo wrote:Hey thanks for replying, It's crazy that you went 7 years been blown off as having depression.

I'm in Northern Ireland, Not exactly sure what options I have but, I think my best bet would be to go private and have a sleep study done, I think my problem is constant nasal congestion and post nasal drip adding to my already small jaw, as I can remember both the tiredness and congestion started at the same time, just slept for 3 hours after staying up all night and my mum confirmed I was snoring. If you take a look at my symptoms above, do you see any similarities to your symptoms when you where untreated?
Thanks and I hope your treatment goes well.
I'd say I had
Vivid dreams (so vivid I struggled to shake them off the next day and could recall a lot of detail from them)
Cold feet (and hands) which can be linked to UARS ... e-syndrome Have a look at this link. Basically your body is in constant low grade stress so your blood is focused more on your organs, not your hands and feet. I find the science behind it really interesting >.<
I wouldn't say I have nasal congestion but I am perhaps a bit more snuffly than most people. That article also says many people with UARS may also have LPRD, or laryngopharyngeal (throat and voice box) reflux which includes post nasal drip.

I have also have panic attacks, low blood pressure and 'heroic snoring'. Unlike you though, I could however sleep for England! I sleep between 10-12 hours a night and often a nap of 1-2 hours in the afternoon although the CPAP is bringing that down to around 9 hours a night already after 8 nights and only 1 nap I think so far. I still feel tired but I do feel a bit more alert and obviously am awake for longer!

I'd also like to say that I don't blame my GP or anyone for not spotting this sooner (although my current orthodonist is miffed!). I mean, it would have been nice, but sleep apnea has only been getting properly diagnosed in the 1980s (from what I have read) and UARS followed in the mid-1990s which is a medically short time for it to be accepted. And of course tiredness, lack of energy and sleeping a lot are often symptoms of depression. In a seemingly healthy young person, I can see why other options were not looked into. I also have a strong family history of depression and my mum thought that was the problem before I went to the doctor. It's often thought that genetics 'loads the gun' and the environment 'pulls the trigger' in regards to mental health so I imagine I was genetically predisposed for depression and once I began to sleep badly...ta-da.

Anyway, I'd also recommend chasing up NHS departments with phone calls. When I'm down I find this hard, but my mum is really good at it and it makes sure the next department has the letter they need so they can give you an appointment etc which can speed things up a bit.

If you ever have more questions, feel free to ask me! I wish I'd known about UARS sooner. I thought I was just really bad at being an adult for years