Search found 29 matches
- Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:45 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Diabetic peculiarities or what???
- Replies: 9
- Views: 1874
Diabetic peculiarities or what???
Can anyone help me understand what is going on with me and my cpap therapy in regards to these particulars? I am a diabetic . I have had many sleep issues since starting my cpap therapy six months ago. These issues have mostly centered around continuing to wake up many times and not sleeping through...
- Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:26 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Weight loss advice needed
- Replies: 22
- Views: 3147
Re: Weight loss advice needed
How to you lose all that weight? Or, any significant amount of weight? Is it a result of the cpap therapy? You people who mention losing large amounts of weight make it sound so easy. Anyone, who can answer my questions is very much appreciated. Thanks.
- Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:16 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Hose coming off mask
- Replies: 9
- Views: 1562
Re: Hose coming off mask
Sounds like a used hose. I had the same problem. Your DME should exchange it for one that works.
- Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:45 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: I just don't get it.
- Replies: 16
- Views: 3493
Re: I just don't get it.
What is EPR?
- Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:59 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Blisters on top of nose
- Replies: 14
- Views: 6359
Re: Blisters on top of nose
That Respironics full face mask gave me a horrible pressure sore on the bridge of my nose, too. Like someone above said, it is a piece of crap. However, the bandaid is helping the sore heal, once I changed mask. I cut it to shorten both ends so it fits between my eyes (and across the bridge of my no...
- Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:14 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Food before bedtime, diabetes and cpap???
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1543
Food before bedtime, diabetes and cpap???
What does your eating schedule have to do with how well you sleep on cpap therapy? Does it matter how close to your bedtime you eat a meal or a snack? I am a diabetic and I seem to have problems sleeping when I eat something before I go to bed. I seem to sleep better if I do not eat anything at leas...
- Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:43 pm
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: OT: Pray for me please
- Replies: 31
- Views: 4179
Re: OT: Pray for me please
Certainly! I will include you in my prayers. Best of luck to you and God bless.
- Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:44 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Help - At wits end with CPAP
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2095
Re: Help - At wits end with CPAP
You may just need to perservere a bit longer and that is very hard to do when you are suffering and being deprived of sleep. I did not begin to notice good results until I hit my fourth month which was just a few weeks ago. I had many of the problems you are having, and more. I was sleeping poorly, ...
- Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:28 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Good Results, at last !!!
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1069
Good Results, at last !!!
I apologize for this lengthy posting but I want to try and help someone avoid the hell I went through. It took me about 4 and one-half months to notice significant results. I went through 4 masks and ended up having to change from a cpap machine to an apap machine before my sleep improved. Prior to ...
- Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:10 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Water in mask without humidifier on
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1662
Re: Water in mask without humidifier on
Hi, Imacpaper......
Would you please post directions on how you made your heated hose with the Repti Heating Cable and please be specific as to what and how to do it, how do you turn it off, etc.? Thanks.
Would you please post directions on how you made your heated hose with the Repti Heating Cable and please be specific as to what and how to do it, how do you turn it off, etc.? Thanks.
- Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:03 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Cheap heated hose
- Replies: 153
- Views: 158183
Re: Cheap heated hose
Question, once you have the Repti Heat Cable, is there a way to connect a on/off control to it? I don't want to have to remember to unplug it and plug it in. Thanks.
- Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:13 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Cheap heated hose
- Replies: 153
- Views: 158183
Re: Cheap heated hose
Thanks, p2junkie, I will follow your instructions, asap. Take care.
- Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:03 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Struggling to hang in there !!!
- Replies: 13
- Views: 3685
Re: Struggling to hang in there !!!
Just getting back with an update to say that I finally got my DME and my doctor's attention, after 3 long, long months of suffering and complaining, and they exchanged my cpap machine for an apap. That was 3 nights ago and I have been sleep much, much better. I hope I am not being premature. I hope ...
- Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:26 am
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Cheap heated hose
- Replies: 153
- Views: 158183
Re: Cheap heated hose
I have read this entire thread over several times and, viewed the pictures, and I still do not understand how to acccomplish this setup. How, exactly, is this Repti Heated Cable setup, and, what else should I use and how? I think I understand that I should buy a 15 watts heated cable, right? How do ...
- Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:48 pm
- Forum: CPAP and Sleep Apnea Message Board
- Topic: Yet Another DME struggle
- Replies: 32
- Views: 4274
Re: Yet Another DME struggle
Something really needs to be done about these shady DME's and whatever ties they have to these doctors. They have too much control over our health issues in regards to cpap therapy yet they care too little about us and they demonstrate too little professionalism. My DME and my doctor are bouncing me...