Pulse-Oxy meter

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Post by Slinky » Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:17 am

Wow! THAT is the one. And that is one h*ll of a price for it! They've been running close to $500 last I checked!

I had some problems w/my first SPO 7500, but it was one of the first models on the market. SPO Medical was great to work with, promptly replaced it, their tech support for the software was great as well. A very good company to business w/if you run into problems.

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Post by RipVW » Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:20 am

Yeah, I saw the $499 price everywhere else--I'm going for it. Oh, isn't the Internet great for price shopping! They offer free shipping for $250+ orders--the unit is $249.00, so I added a $3 pair of bandage scissors to qualify for the free shipping.

Thanks, Slinky!!

Last edited by RipVW on Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Slinky » Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:31 am

I often "spot checked" my SPO 7500 against my Nonin Onyx and on two occasions was able to double-check it w/the "professional" recording oximeter used to check my results w/and w/o my CPAP and it was always w/in acceptable/allowed range.

And I often checked my Nonin Onyx against the hand held oximeters used in Pulmonary Rehab and that was always w/in acceptable/allowed range. Very minor variables in readings which is to be expected from different fingers, different arms, etc. amongst the four oximeters. Especially, I would think, amongst 4 different brands of oximeters.

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Post by snoozeandlose » Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:05 pm

Guess I am responding just to support what the others have said. You shouldn't be on O2 if you don't need it. That in itself is irresponsible medicine. I would talk to a different vendor. I would think that Medicare would cover a night of monitoring for you if they have done it for others. Good luck.

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Post by 6PtStar » Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:41 pm

Thanks, to everyone for the advise. I am going to have another talk to my DME tomorrow. The link to the meter for $249 might be an option. $500 was stretching my retirement income a bit but I might be able to swing $249. I am now in negotiations with the wife.


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Post by Gerald » Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:03 pm

The price of $249 for a SPO 7500 is an excellent deal.......provided it's legit. As already pointed out, that's 1/2 what other companies are charging.

It may be that the "fixed price" arrangement has broken down....and the factory is no longer able to force the vendors to keep the price high. Or we may be seeing a "price war" breaking out in the Oximeter business.

As all of us have learned, medical supplies and services have been priced sky-high.....but, we may be looking at that "list price, less discount" system beginning to break down.

Interestingly, Resmed went the other way.....forcing its Internet vendors to RAISE prices.....but, I think the tide is running against them.

It may be the guys at SPO are smart enough to see that they can't hold prices artificially high for the long term.

I'd carefully check out the company offering the SPO 7500 at $249....then I'd go for it. The product is good.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:20 pm

That sure looks like a nice unit but I wonder what the sampling rate is (or whatever you call it)? If my saturation drops to 75 for 5 seconds and this thing samples every 10 seconds, it may never even catch it. I looked at the brochure but it didn't specify it.

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Post by RipVW » Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:31 pm

Anonymous wrote:That sure looks like a nice unit but I wonder what the sampling rate is (or whatever you call it)? If my saturation drops to 75 for 5 seconds and this thing samples every 10 seconds, it may never even catch it. I looked at the brochure but it didn't specify it.
Saturation: 40-99%
Heart pulse rate: 40-250BPM
Resolution: 1 digit
Storage capacity: 80 hours
Selectable sample rate: 1, 2, 5 and 10 seconds
http://www.phc-online.com/Wrist_Pulse_O ... ox7500.htm
(BTW, sells for $499 from this supplier!)
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Post by RipVW » Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:40 pm

Gerald wrote:The price of $249 for a SPO 7500 is an excellent deal.......provided it's legit. As already pointed out, that's 1/2 what other companies are charging.
I'd carefully check out the company offering the SPO 7500 at $249....then I'd go for it. The product is good.
Med1online.com is a major supplier, been around awhile, primarily providing equipment for medical professionals. Lots of "satisfied customer" testimonials: http://www.med1online.com/t-testimonials.aspx
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Post by Gerald » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:06 pm

If the SPO 7500 Oximeter that Med1Online is offering for $249 is NEW....and not USED....then, I'd say it's a GREAT deal. I'm very pleased with my 7500.....and would recommend the product to anyone.


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Post by 6PtStar » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:54 pm

Well, so much for that. Called the sleep lab and talked to the sleep Dr and all they could offer was a new titration. I told her thanks but no thanks despite their television ad about how easy it is, it was not a fun night. She said it was my DME, worst than most. She gave me the name of a couple of other DMEs that had the meters and would loan them but only to their patients. Something about liability if I was not their patient. Also, no insintive since they were not getting any money out of me. One of them I had already called and was turned down. Said the only option was to become their patient for a month and then request the meter. Could not answer the question as to whether they would take me as a patient (customer) since the oxygen concentrator is on a 36 month capped rental and we are already in the 13th month. Will go buy and talk to them more tomorrow. This is so da*n frustrating. My wife says being right after Christmas we don't have $250 to spare at this time to go buy one with property taxes and all my medical deductables comming due. I guess it is just a bad time of year to do this.

Again, thanks for all your help. Oh, my DME did finally offer to order me one and sell it to me for only $3700.


Humidifier: HC150 Heated Humidifier With Hose, 2 Chambers and Stand
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IDTF rather than DME?

Post by paloa » Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:43 pm

Does the following help?

See http://www.hmetoday.com/issues/articles/2007-07_07.asp

Maybe you need to talk with your insurance company to identify an independent diagnostic testing facility (IDTF) and have your Dr provide them with an order for an overnight pulse oximetry test. They could then work with any DME to carry out the overnight test.

My reading of the various sites (see above link for the best summarization) indicate that “DME suppliers may not perform or participate in tests.” That Transmittal 173 allows “DME suppliers to deliver a sealed, tamper-proof oximeter to the patient's home on behalf of the independent diagnostic testing facility (IDTF)”

Maybe that is why your DME seems unwilling to help.

In August 2005, CMS issued Transmittal 173, which made it easier for DME suppliers to obtain qualifying overnight oxygen tests by allowing DME suppliers to deliver a sealed, tamper-proof oximeter to the patient's home on behalf of the independent diagnostic testing facility (IDTF) …Transmittal 173 basically provided that DME suppliers or other shipping entity may deliver a pulse oximetry test unit … to a beneficiary's home under the following circumstances:
1. The beneficiary's treating physician has ordered an overnight pulse oximetry test.
2. The test is performed under the direction and/or instruction of a Medicare-approved IDTF. ...
Shortly after it was released, the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) published information in their fall 2005 Advisory Bulletins related to the provisions of the transmittal.”


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Post by KansasRT » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:17 am

If I am understanding what you are wanting, you are wanting your oxygen supplier to do an overnight oximetry, right? It is true that your supplier cannot qualify you for oxygen, but they certainly can do a check of how your treatment is working. They would need an order from your DR stating noctournal oximetry. There should be no charge. And WOW $3700 I would love to be able to sell an oximeter for,I can't even guess, a 500% mark up. I get so frusterated with oxygen companies. If I were you, Most oxygen companies are still taking oxygen patients until September 2008 even with capped rental. I would try to switch companies because of the Dr comments. I am sorry that the business end of this is so horrible. It is sad that the DME business has more bad apples than good.

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Post by 6PtStar » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:13 am

KansasRT, thanks for your response. My sleep study qualified me for O2 a year ago and I have been on O2 for the year. I really don't feel I need it and talked to my Doc and he had no problem ordering the test. Just can't get any one to do it. The oxygen concentrator is on a 36 month capped rental. I would try to switch DMEs but I did not figure they would take me with the prospect of eather short term rental or with a year off the total cost of the rental.


Humidifier: HC150 Heated Humidifier With Hose, 2 Chambers and Stand
Additional Comments: 11cm/H2O, Encore Pro 1.8i, Pro Analyzer, Encore Viewer1.0 - 3 Remstar Pro2's, 1 Remstar Auto
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Post by Slinky » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:21 am

KansasRT wrote:If I am understanding what you are wanting, you are wanting your oxygen supplier to do an overnight oximetry, right? It is true that your supplier cannot qualify you for oxygen, but they certainly can do a check of how your treatment is working. They would need an order from your DR stating noctournal oximetry. There should be no charge. ...

... Most oxygen companies are still taking oxygen patients until September 2008 even with capped rental. ...

... It is sad that the DME business has more bad apples than good.
Thank YOU, KansasRT ... for being one of the good ones and for your input in this forum!!!

May I ask what is behind the "until September 2008 even w/capped rental"?

I'm currently on 02. I have a 5L DeVilBiss concentrator, plus 4 of the large (E?) tanks for power outage emergencies and 8 of the small (B?) tanks for when I am out and about.

Mask: Quattro™ FX Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: PR SystemOne BPAP Auto w/Bi-Flex & Humidifier - EncorePro 2.2 Software - Contec CMS-50D+ Oximeter - Respironics EverFlo Q Concentrator
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