Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

General Discussion on any topic relating to CPAP and/or Sleep Apnea.
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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Guiniviere » Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:35 am

Thank you for your prompt reply, and for your advice about posting. Trouble is that I am so new here and still finding my way around that I really don't know where I should post this question!
Goodness me I had no idea cpap would be such a steep learning curve - I am quite out of breath!!


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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Pugsy » Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:52 am

Guiniviere wrote:
Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:35 am
Thank you for your prompt reply, and for your advice about posting. Trouble is that I am so new here and still finding my way around that I really don't know where I should post this question!
Goodness me I had no idea cpap would be such a steep learning curve - I am quite out of breath!!

We only have one forum here...so just click on "post a new topic" and start typing. It will go to the top of the main forum page where everyone can see it.

Post a New Topic is a big orange tab thing upper left and at the top of the Announcements section.

Also read this if you haven't already
viewtopic/t172378/Sticky--Newbies-PLEAS ... STING.html

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse https://bleepsleep.com/the-eclipse/
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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Guiniviere » Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:23 am

Many thanks.
And again I say thank you for this forum; I would have thrown my device out of the window before now had it not been for you.
And I also have to say that if many other people have got as little help with their machines as I have (outside of the forums), then I am not at all surprised by the so low compliance figures!


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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Ueranaing » Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:51 am

I just had a sleep test. Doctor said I need an Auto-CPAP machine. This is all new to me. My insurance won't pay until I meet my deductible, so I will have to pay out of pocket. The sleep study doctor had a company out of Paris call me about getting a machine, but even they told me to order one on line for $500-$800, otherwise they would bill my insurance about 3 times that amount, while still won't meet my deductible. Regardless, I will be paying for it all.
They did tell me my settings should be 5 over 20 with the C-flex set to 3. I searched here on TBH and see several use the ResMed CPAP AirSense 10 machine. It looks like this machine runs $883. Yet I also came across it for $340 and $419. That's a huge price difference!

Then when it comes to masks, I have no clue what to look for. Thanks.
Last edited by Ueranaing on Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Pugsy » Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:42 am

Ueranaing wrote:
Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:51 am
I just had a sleep test. Doctor said I need an Auto-CPAP machine. This is all new to me. My insurance won't pay until I meet my deductible, so I will have to pay out of pocket. The sleep study doctor had a company out of Paris call me about getting a machine, but even they told me to order one on line for $500-$800, otherwise they would bill my insurance about 3 times that amount, while still won't meet my deductible. Regardless, I will be paying for it all.
They did tell me my settings should be 5 over 20 with the C-flex set to 3. I searched here on TBH and see several use the ResMed CPAP AirSense 10 machine. It looks like this machine runs $883. Yet I also came across it for $340 and $419. That's a huge price difference!

Then when it comes to masks, I have no clue what to look for. Any help would be appreciated!
Welcome to the forum.

Please start a new thread/topic of your own so your questions won't get lost in this old thread.
Please include where you are at......it makes a difference.
Was that Paris, France or Paris, Texas? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse https://bleepsleep.com/the-eclipse/
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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by gobucks » Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:03 pm

Hi everyone. Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.

I have suspected I have a sleep disorder for a while. I had a home sleep test done that was negative for sleep apnea. https://imgur.com/a/6WR05Tr

After being discouraged for a while, I finally discovered UARS and seem to fit the bill. However, I am having some serious trouble getting in to see a sleep doctor given the current coronavirus situation.

I am fairly desperate for relief so I plan on trying to buy a used Aircurve VAuto and then coming back to the forum for help on how to successfully treat UARS.

Thanks so much for reading and let me know if you guys have any thoughts! :D

Newbie wanting to learn!

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by donb123 » Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:01 am

please remove

Additional Comments: Wisp nasal- not used
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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Pugsy » Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:20 am

donb123 wrote:
Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:01 am

Noob here.

I have a Resmed Airsense 10 Auto CPAP with humidifier - if that is relevant. I am using a Phillips Respironics Whisp nose mask. Wearing it is mildly uncomfortable but I've slept through hurricanes and all kinds of stuff. I don't feel like it is anything that would keep me from sleeping. I'm looking into one of the more comfortable options like the Dreamwear or N30i though.

My dilemma is this. I have not been able to go more than 2 hours- including falling asleep time- without waking up and being awake enough or irritated about something enough that I take the mask off and then fall asleep without it. How can I figure out what is causing this. I would imagine auto-ramp has already gotten me up to gale force winds by that kind of time frame- especially when my devices has, sometimes, already detected an apnea event.

Welcome to the forum.

You might want to start a new topic/thread devoted to your issues. It sort of gets lost in this big and very old thread.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse https://bleepsleep.com/the-eclipse/
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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by pnwbliss57@gmail.com » Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:18 pm

3 ideas for u. if your newly cpapped up, i over time got more use to mask on face at nite. consider full face mask, i tried nose only and it would force me to mouth breathe which woke me up due to noise and mouth dryness...leaks can be loud so make sure its snug. and then lastly, i played with taping my mouth shut or used a head strap that kept mouth closed. this did help me but i dont to do it anymore. i now regularly average 6 to 7 hrs per nite

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by KillMyApnea » Sat Dec 19, 2020 1:17 pm

Hi, I'm new to the world of apnea & cpap. Great thread and forum. Looking forward to learn and share with you all.

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by CelestialCat » Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:27 am

Hi everyone! 👋😁 Nice to meet you!

I'm new to the forum, but I've been on a ResMed AirSense10 for about 5 weeks now, using an AirFit F20 full face mask. I guess I'm one if the lucky few that seems to have gotten used to it with not too much difficulty, thankfully.

Spring has sprung though, and here in So. California, Summer will quickly follow. So here's my main concern... having diastolic heart failure and diabetes, I can't tolerate the heat AT ALL without it making me sick. I have an ancient air conditioner that I cannot afford to replace, so it barely keeps up with the 108°~115°F that we usually have for MOST of the Summer here. That's why I flip my schedule for the season, to sleep thru the heat of the day and run errands either in the very early morning or late evening.

I'll be 🤞HOPEFULLY🤞 moving to a cooler climate out of state next year, but I have to find a way to survive this Summer wearing a full face CPAP mask. Please share with me your ideas for making it cooler... please! We're already up to 86°~90° and I have to find something that works before we're in triple digits. For your suggestions, please keep it cheap... Sadly, funds are limited.

Thanks, everyone! 🌻
:roll: Total Newbie, please be patient! :D

ResMed AirSense 10 Autostart
AirFit F20 Full Face Mask 😷

Hope I got the equipment right 🙃

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Pugsy » Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:00 am

CelestialCat wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:27 am
Hi everyone! 👋😁 Nice to meet you!

I'm new to the forum, but I've been on a ResMed AirSense10 for about 5 weeks now, using an AirFit F20 full face mask. I guess I'm one if the lucky few that seems to have gotten used to it with not too much difficulty, thankfully.

Spring has sprung though, and here in So. California, Summer will quickly follow. So here's my main concern... having diastolic heart failure and diabetes, I can't tolerate the heat AT ALL without it making me sick. I have an ancient air conditioner that I cannot afford to replace, so it barely keeps up with the 108°~115°F that we usually have for MOST of the Summer here. That's why I flip my schedule for the season, to sleep thru the heat of the day and run errands either in the very early morning or late evening.

I'll be 🤞HOPEFULLY🤞 moving to a cooler climate out of state next year, but I have to find a way to survive this Summer wearing a full face CPAP mask. Please share with me your ideas for making it cooler... please! We're already up to 86°~90° and I have to find something that works before we're in triple digits. For your suggestions, please keep it cheap... Sadly, funds are limited.

Thanks, everyone! 🌻

Welcome to the forum.

This thread really isn't a helping thread designed for member advice or help...too big, too old and too confusing.
To get best ideas from people it is best if you start a new topic/thread of your own so that it will get the attention your problem deserves...questions in this thread will be lost. Most people here won't bother to even read it.

I suggest you create a brand new topic of your own in the main forum section and ask your questions there.

Machine: AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Additional Comments: Mask Bleep Eclipse https://bleepsleep.com/the-eclipse/
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by CelestialCat » Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:35 am

Thanks, Pugsy 👋😁
:roll: Total Newbie, please be patient! :D

ResMed AirSense 10 Autostart
AirFit F20 Full Face Mask 😷

Hope I got the equipment right 🙃

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by shyam » Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:13 pm

Tomorrow will be 1 week and I have felt like I’m getting half the amount of my normal sleep since I started. I didn’t have the typical sleepiness/needing naps during the day before but all this week I have tfelt zombie-ish.

I’m asking for a new mask tomorrow, I’m sure that’s a good portion of it. I’m a side sleeper and the one I have (resmed air fit 30) keeps leaking up my the bridge of nose into my eye. It doesn’t do it when I’m on my back but now I also have horrible pain in my neck and upper back from sleeping like that.

I’m asking for the Phillips amara view, my husband uses it and doesn’t have these issues.

Anyways, any tips on getting to sleep/staying asleep or preventing neck/back pain would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I have turned off the ramp thing and that helped a lot and adjusted the humidity and heat so that it’s comfortable (so happy I found this group because I learned to do all that from here).

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Re: Where A CPAP Newbie Should Start

Post by Daveyk » Mon May 16, 2022 8:42 pm

Your new mask will undoubtedly help a lot, if you’re a side-sleeper. Let us know how that goes! 🙂