Last night was a change to regular autoset mode and response being changed from standard to soft.
Soft response doesn't seem to be a choice option when in the "for Her" mode.
To be honest I couldn't tell any difference one way or the other....shrugs.
I need to re-evaluate the humidity setting of is causing some minor issues with the nasal mucosa.
Not having rain out though.
Only had 3 OA events flagged last night and 2 of them were false positive arousal/awake related flags. Only the last one appeared to be a real asleep flagged event.
I did have one RERA flagged. I never get excited about one of anything.
Notice the FL graph...not nearly as active as the For Her FL graph which is why I say the for Her mode makes mountains out of mole hills. What little activity that we do see from last night could be from the minor nasal mucosa issues I mentioned above.
Don't know what happened with the data right before the 00:00 time frame. Glitch in the data is all I can think of.
If we had lost power (or cat stepped on the on/off button) then the pressure should have dropped upon reduction of the blowing but it didn't stayed the same which points to no loss of power.
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.