Tonsils coming out on!

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Tonsils coming out on!

Post by VancouverBreeze » Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:02 pm

Hi All,

Just fishing for sympathy here...on Monday I'm getting my tonsils out.

My journey started with a chronic sore throat and an observant GP. He said my large tonsils were 'certainly' contributing to other health issues via sleep apnea. He sent my off to an ENT who recommed a sleep study first.

Did that last november, and was diagnosed with 'severe' sleep apnea. My sleep doctor agress my 'huge' tonsils are part of the problem. But...I started off with CPAP, got informed about the lack of success with surgical options, and was pleasantly surprised that CPAP was effective for me and I would not need surgery.

So off to the ENT went I, and to my shock, he told me, despite the fact that removing my tonsils would NOT cure my OSA, he still felt it was necessary. He stated that increased throat infections (which is true....8-10 times a year at least) and associated use of antiobiotics made the case in terms of quality of life and health impacts. He said there was a slight chance I might not need CPAP at all, and a probable chance that I would need less pressure.

My ENT is a professor at U. of British Columbia, and actually well-published in sleep issues, and has written some damning articles on the use of surgery as a cure for sleep apnea. Given all of this, I trusted his judgement and agreed to the surgery.

So....Monday is the day...and i'm not looking forward to the next two weeks of what has been described as INTENSE pain. Now that I really have to face this, I just want to tell others new to CPAP, or stuggling with it, LONG LIVE THE HOSE! It's ain't so will get better, and certainly better than this!!

See you guys later...minus my tonsils!!

The Friendly Hosehead!

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Post by Dot » Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:20 pm

Good Luck Darren. Had mine removed in my late 30`s due to having tonsillitis so many times. Last case got so bad that it caused Rhematic fever and Dr said it was from letting the tonsillitis get so bad. Funny thing was every joint ached, but my throat wasn`t very sore at the time. Wasn`t so bad. Think worst was when in recovery along with lots of little kids who were real upset. Had trouble trying to talk to them so they wouldn`t be so scared there alone without their parents. Did hurt some trying to talk or swallow, but afterwards I came back home to care for my Family.
Think of all that ice cream you can eat. The coolness of the ice cream helped sooth my sore throat. Hope your throat heals fast.
Really it wasn`t as bad as I had thought it would be. Wish you the same luck.

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Post by chrisp » Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:21 pm

Hi and welcome to the forum.
It seems to me that the doc should be looking for the reason for infection . Why is this happening ? I would be looking for some antagonist source. Food, environmental, instead of just cutting. But you must make the choice. Now most docs don't look for food allergies for sure. Takes too much thought. I'd start looking at milk, chocolate, wheat and corn for starters. It isn't difficult but it taked time and persistance. Worked wonders for my kids.

I wouldn't let them cut on me before checking into these first.

PM me and I'll explain how to go about it.



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Post by VancouverBreeze » Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:30 pm

Hey Chris,

Thanks for the post. I think I know what you mean....

As for searching for alternatives and sources...
1) first line of worries there!
2) I did see an allergist, ran some test, not too sure what they were, but nothing came back as contributing to this problem.
3) Went to my Chinese Medicine doctor in Taipei...did a very holistic look at a variety of factors, sleep patterns, eating patterns, and even my 'chi'. This is a doctor whom I totally respect...he 'cured' a severe back injury that had mystified Western medicine and phsyio therapy for two years...he cured it in 3 sessions of acupuncture, and to this day, it has been great.

I hope I haven't overlooked things...I'd hate to get an unnecessary surgery simly because it's late in the game to think of other alternatives. I trust his reputation as a surgeon who's reluctant to pursue surgery until all other alternatives have been exhausted, and he's been very forthright that this surgery is not going to do away with my little CPAP friend.

The Friendly Hosehead!

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Post by Dot » Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:47 pm

Tonsils are supposed to help you fight infections, but sometimes they become just a liability and catch the infection instead of helping cure it. it`s these cases that usually mean removing the tonsils as they are just making you sicker.

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Post by LDuyer » Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:40 pm

Well, I was one of those with tonsils removed early, in the 5th grade. Was all the rage at that time, seems everyone my age was having this done. I do remember having lots of colds and stuff before they were removed and better after. But it's hard to judge, for at the same time we got a humidifier for our house. So I never knew which helped my colds.

Want to hear a weird reason for why my tonsils were removed? .....

A child psychiatrist told my mother to have my tonsils removed.
No foolin'..... He took a look at some artwork I'd done and proclaimed to my mother that I was unconciously crying out to breathe, that I was having trouble breathing and I was expressing this in my art. All these years I thought he was a quack!!! ..... But now, after being diagnosed for sleep apnea, I have to wonder.........

Relax. This is your opportunity to get some wonderful sympathy, and as said above, a great excuse to have ice cream. I like chocolate. Enjoy.


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Post by sharonokc » Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:12 pm

The tonsils removal won't cure the OSA, but it will help. I had mine out at 27 years old. The surgery was fine, but I had to spend the night in the hospital. Since sleep studies are considered outpatien procedures this has been my only night in the hospital. It was horrible. Remember your pajamas, maybe shorts and t shirt. Ask if you need your cpap. Take your mask. Stock up on a throat spray like cepacol.

The only trouble I had was the next day I coughed so hard I spit up blood. Apparently this is normal.

My consumption of antibiotics went down at least 70% after getting my tonsils and adenoids out.

Good luck!

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Had my tonsils out, too ...

Post by PamelaDV » Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:34 pm

I had my tonsils out the year I turned 30. My suggestion to you is to ask for liquid form of pain pills (Vicadin is what I got). There is also a gargle that they can prescribe that helps numb your throat so that you can stand to swallow the medicine. I don't want to scare you, but my pain was so bad that I couldn't swallow my pain medicine. I wouldn't even swallow my own saliva. Needless to say, I dehydrated quickly. You don't want to do that - it makes the pain worse. Go easy on the foods - keep lots of jello and broth on hand. It's not fun, but it does help. I hope you fair well!

Pamela DeVries
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Post by sharonokc » Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:52 pm

In thinking more about full face masks and higher pressure I wonder if the mirage is the best choice. I like mine very much, but there is \are more leaks than with my mirage nasal mask.

I wonder if the system foils itself. The mask creates it's seal by air filling the cushion. I bet high pressure may be more than the mask will take. It seems I must tighten the mask (full) down much more than I do the nasal mask, which prevents as much of a cushion seal from forming. I wonder if anyone manufactures a gel full face mask?