resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

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resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by snoozeandlose » Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:23 pm

My first cpap was just handed to my by the DME--didn't know anything about them. I bought the second one out of pocket. Now I am using a DME on the preferred provider list. Could not find any one who could sell me the Intellipap. So I agree get the Resmed auto set. I wen to pick up the machine and RT has a bipap and tells me I can use it as an apap. I told her I didn't want it because it was not what I needed. And thought it was unethical to accept something that cost more. Said I wanted the auto set II. So they ordered another machine. When I get there it an Escape II auto, but i was not feeling well and didn't feel up to arguing. I called them today and said I didn't want this machine because it doesn't have all the features that the auto set has. They said Resmed is no longer making the auto set and I said I didn't think that was true. Then they said the Escape was the top of the line machine. It isn't.

I have heard all the horror stories about vendors so I wasn't really surprized. I will call tomorrow and tell them if they can't get me the auto set I am going to call my insurance and complain about their vendor's poor service and misrepresentation of what they are selling and I will also cancel my contract. I might just end of buying an Intellipap out of pocket as it is not that expensive compared to these resmed machines.

Does anyone know how to change the settings on this Escape model. I don't think it was set up properly. It only shows the setting on 9. There is no range which is what the doc wanted, unless it isn't visible to the consumer. I am not sure if it is even set on auto. I would appreciate any info you have. Thanks.

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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by Muse-Inc » Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:29 pm

The Escape II is ResMed's bottom of the line straight CPAP machine; it is not an Auto (APAP). It does not report data except the number of hrs it has been turned on. That DME is lieing to you.

EDIT: I was wrong, there is a new Escape II auto! Still dumb (dataless) tho.
Last edited by Muse-Inc on Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by snoozeandlose » Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:37 pm

Need to clarify--this is the Escape II Auto. Yup this RT is not telling me the truth or she is incompetent.

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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by Wulfman » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:22 pm

snoozeandlose wrote:Need to clarify--this is the Escape II Auto. Yup this RT is not telling me the truth or she is incompetent.
There is no such thing.
The Escape II is NOT an "Auto". It's a straight-pressure, low-end CPAP.
The newest/current APAP is the Autoset II.

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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by Muse-Inc » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:24 pm

The Escape II has been upgraded to an auto alright but it still only records the hrs of use, no AHI, no AI, no HI, no leak, no 95thcentile pressure. Here's the User's Guide ... er_eng.pdf. No mention of data and without data you can't monitor your therapy to track trends and most importantly you can't tweak to optimal therapy after acclimating to xPAP therapy.

The ResMed site shows the old Escape II CPAP and the new Escape II Auto...confusing!!! ... c=patients
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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by Wulfman » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:30 pm

Muse-Inc wrote:The Escape II has been upgraded to an auto alright but it still only records the hrs of use, no AHI, no AI, no HI, no leak, no 95thcentile pressure. Here's the User's Guide ... er_eng.pdf. No mention of data and without data you can't monitor your therapy to track trends and most importantly you can't tweak to optimal therapy after acclimating to xPAP therapy.

The ResMed site shows the old Escape II CPAP and the new Escape II Auto...confusing!!! ... c=patients
I guess I stand corrected......

What a worthless piece of crap that must be.

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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by Slinky » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:33 pm

What on gawd's green earth was Resmed thinking to waste their energy manufacturing an Escape II Auto. They must be losing their minds over there!!!

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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by rested gal » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:45 am

On page 5 of the User guide for the Escape II auto, these are showing in the menu tree:

Daily AHI
Average AHI

Didn't see any Leak data mentioned, which to me, is one of the most important items of info that should be available.

I wouldn't want an Escape II "auto."
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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by Llama » Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:43 am

I am often baffled by brands that pollute model distinction, but I don't think ResMed could make it any harder on CPAP folks.
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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by Slinky » Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:44 am

Ah, but have you forgotten Respironics' pre-M Series Pro (not fully data capable) and Pro 2 (fully data capable)???

And then there's the IntelliPAP Intro and Info. The manufacturers just have NO imagination at all when it comes to naming their models. Heck, even the automobile manufacturers resorted to using LX and LST and other letters rather than come up w/a new model name.

Mask: Quattro™ FX Full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear
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Re: resmed auto set II and the DME idiots

Post by potholerepairman » Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:26 pm

snoozeandlose wrote:Need to clarify--this is the Escape II Auto. Yup this RT is not telling me the truth or she is incompetent.
She is both, once you get through her head that your not a guppy she will either treat you right or tell you they dont take your insurance anymore.