2.5 months - No success

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2.5 months - No success

Post by Fizzled » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:28 am

I got my PR 560 almost 2.5 months ago. I still can't get used to it. I've tried 4 different styles of masks. If I fall sleep with it at all, I'll wake up with it off (may or may not remember it). Most of the time I just lay awake for 2 hours and give up, it doesn't matter how tired I am.

Ramp, no ramp, OTC sleep aids, no sleep aids.

In another thread I posted frustrations with my insurance (whom I bypassed when getting my machine). They actually just infuriated me even more and am now avoiding them like the plague. Their complaint process was worthless and as far as I'm concerned, so is their service (Kaiser SoCal).

I'm not sure what else to do?

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Re: 2.5 months - No success

Post by Pad A Cheek » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:46 am


I feel your frustration.

I also used to take my mask off in the night and not even realize it when I first started. I have not done that in a long time now. It is a matter of your face getting used to having that foreign object on it. That takes time and exposure to it. You can put your mask on during the day without the machine attached and that will help you get used to it. Keep trying, you can do it.

This therapy takes persistence and determination to overcome the challenges. You can do this, and it will make a difference in your life when you get this dialed in. It is pretty normal when you are not getting good sleep to be less patient with yourself and also get frustrated easily.

Take care of yourself. Those who love you want you to be around for a long time and remain in good health. CPAP works.


Machine: DreamStation Auto CPAP Machine
Additional Comments: This CPAP stuff at night makes the days so much more productive
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Re: 2.5 months - No success

Post by chunkyfrog » Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:57 am

Do not give up.
My first mask made my nose sore; or pushed my upper teeth backward.
Months later, I found a mask that didn't hurt--much. Now, I finally have the ONE. ---at least the one for now.
Get used to your mask, some have used tape on their face and the mask to wake them if the "sleepy self" tries to sabotage therapy.
Karen didn't mention a fabric mask liner--(she makes some nice ones), but you could try a home-made liner to see if it helps you--
just cut a gasket out of old, clean t-shirt or undies to fit between mask and face.
The idea is if you don't feel the moist silicone, "sleepyhands" may leave it alone.

Mask: AirFit™ P10 For Her Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Airsense 10 Autoset for Her


Re: 2.5 months - No success

Post by Wulfman... » Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:08 am

Please put your machine settings (pressure, humidity, Ramp, etc.) in your profile so we can get some idea of what you're using.
Your profile shows you're using an APAP. If you're using a range of pressures, that could be part of your problem.



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Re: 2.5 months - No success

Post by Fizzled » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:21 pm

I have a range, but my minimum is 9 and never rises above 10.

Humidty on 3, any higher and it feels like drinking through my nose. Lower and it dries out/irritates what I think to be where the nasal 'path' meets the throat.

Masks I've tried the comfortgel, easylife, (forget the 3rd) and most recent is tappap.

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Re: 2.5 months - No success

Post by old dude » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:47 pm

Fizzled wrote:I got my PR 560 almost 2.5 months ago. I still can't get used to it. I've tried 4 different styles of masks. If I fall sleep with it at all, I'll wake up with it off (may or may not remember it). Most of the time I just lay awake for 2 hours and give up, it doesn't matter how tired I am.

Ramp, no ramp, OTC sleep aids, no sleep aids.

In another thread I posted frustrations with my insurance (whom I bypassed when getting my machine). They actually just infuriated me even more and am now avoiding them like the plague. Their complaint process was worthless and as far as I'm concerned, so is their service (Kaiser SoCal).

I'm not sure what else to do?
I've been at it 5 months now, and had (and continue to have) similar problems. You've tried 4 masks? I'm now hoping number 12 will be the charm.

Look, this is hard for all but the very lucky. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it might help to focus on the likely alternative to not complying with your therapy. When I get to feeling like you do that helps me put things in perspective.

We were having dinner this week with some old friends we hadn't seen in a few months. In catching up I mentioned that I had been diagnosed with sleep apnea and was on CPAP. He rolled his eyes and said yeah, me too- but I couldn't deal with the therapy so after a couple of weeks I just gave it up. I asked if he fully understood the consequences of such a decision and he just shrugged.

My advice is to continue best you can on your own but also delve in to this forum for help at every turn. There are some wonderful people here who are only too happy to help you but you have to try hard yourself. In my case, and maybe in yours too, embracing the therapy has literally become a part-time job-but it's that important.

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Re: 2.5 months - No success

Post by cherylann » Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:35 pm

Your story is the same as mine - only it has been 2.5 YEARS. Four doctors, two sleep studies, numerous masks, numerous settings. Nothing works. I still keep putting it on every night, though. At least people won't be able to say I didn't try.

My priorities in life are God, family, and baseball. Starting in April, I do change the order around a bit.