jemccloud wrote:Pugsy, I too was having a difficult time finding a link or anything about a link (there are many pages with many posts) and then found your link harshly putting someone down. I'm glad I found this site and also your link, however please be kinder when replying with someone. There is way too much rudness and putting people down out there. Please don't be a part of it.
Sorry if you feel I was harsh or rude by just pointing out the fact that the answer was already on this very page of this thread and didn't involve hundreds of pages of reading (though it wouldn't hurt people to do some reading because they might learn something instead of just wanting everything spoon fed to them).
I am human and I have the same feelings as anyone else and sometimes my frustrations come out. This particular "can I have" thing just gripes the crap out of me because people don't even bother to look.
Sorry about that folks.
It's one of the hazards that come from devoting so much time here....maybe I need another vacation from the forum and not one caused by my cats.
So it's not okay for me to be a tad harsh to someone who is lazy and you come here and want to chastise me?...and that sure seems harsh to me. You caught me on a real bad night...doesn't sit well. about I just quit giving any response to anyone requesting software...let you all figure it out or someone else handle it.
I am quitting the software acquisition business...will save me a lot of work and cut down on my frustrations.
Someone else...please take up the slack...I am not going to do it anymore.
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.