dream4sleep wrote: What about putting all the things you obviously know about software on the first page. Then when someone asks a question you (or someone else) can refer to it. Maybe one sentence: See first page of this board for answers to questions about software - or something like that. If you don't say anything else I think people will get it - I think.
Thank you but this isn't my forum...it's everyone's forum but I do have Pugsy's Pointers Understanding your data which is in the top of the Announcements page. There are actually multiple sections where I have tried to incorporate a lot of my thoughts but my composition skills suck and I tend to ramble and despite my asking people to not post their personal problems in the threads...they did it anyway so the threads got long and winding and not easy for people to sort through. I guess I need to go back and edit and clean up the Pointers collection to simplify reading.
But I ask this question...if someone can't just read a post immediately above their own post in this thread...do you really think they will want to read through my rambling novels?
So how about I post it here ...right now and let's see how many people post below this "where can I get ResScan"...right now I think there are at least 6 threads like this big one with the same questions in it and the same answer in it...available if people will just take the time to read a little bit.
So here it is again...what you have to do to get ResScan if you aren't registered here at this forum. Go here and do what they say you need to do.
http://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread ... -available
ResScan download link is NOT something that is given out publicly. Common sense should tell a person why it is not.
If you are an established forum member send me a private message...otherwise do what it says to do in the link I just provided.
I may have to RISE but I refuse to SHINE.