I got a Resmed Airsense 10 Elite (CPAP only) machine a month ago (new), and have used everyday without noticing any issue or specific noise. The machine was actually very quiet. CPAP pressure was set to 8.
I swapped it for a brand new Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset (Auto PAP) on Friday (machine had 0 hours). First night was fine (and showed that I actually needed a higher pressure), but last night, it was a nightmare: the machine was doing a high pitch, whining/wheezing/whistling noise every time I was breathing in/inhaling. I couldn't sleep with it. Even with earplugs, the noise was coming to the mask via the tube.
I tried to fix it:
- I swapped the mask
- I tried breathing directly in the tube through my mouth (no difference to sound)
- swapped the tube
- changed the inlet air filter
- removed and put back the humidifier several times
- put the standard side cover instead of the humidifier
- removed the air outlet port (pressing the tab under its retaining piece) and put back
- changed many settings (including putting back the machine in CPAP), enabling/disabling EPR, lowering the pressure etc
I understand the two machines are actually identical in term of hardware, apart from the firmware/software used, so wouldn't expect the Autoset model to be noisier than the Elite one, at the same pressure.
Is that machine already faulty? Should I ask for a replacement from Resmed? I paid full price for it, as a private patient in the UK, so I am not too keen to have a brand new, expensive machine going through a repair (and the wait associated with it).