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Re: I don't get it...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:52 pm
by Pugsy
Let me use this to explain why I don't think leak is a factor.
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=64906&st=0&sk=t&sd= ... re+options

My first post has examples of data available using the various software choices. All the same night.
SleepyHead leak line looks more ugly because top scale is at 51 which was a brief spike. Overall if we look at the Encore reports the leak line isn't nearly so pronounced.

Re: I don't get it...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:14 pm
by rholmack
I looked at my intentional leak rate at each machine setting and my leak rate is never more than 15. I think that's pretty good. I've worn the mask at each pressure and Haven't noticed much of a leak. I'll give my body more time to adjust since I've only therapy a few. Just, this seems odd to me. Thanks everyone for your help.

Re: I don't get it...

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:35 pm
by gasp
rholmack wrote:I'll go back to my original dilemma: The top plot shown above had a small AHI and most of the plots look good, but I felt terrible all day. I was really tired and even fell asleep at work. The bottom plots don't look so good and my AHI was 14. I fell okay today even though I woke pretty early today. What gives? Anybody else have this occurring?

It seems to me that when I have a low number day I should be feeling better! Wouldn't that be what you'd expect?
OK, I also don't get it. But I'll guess. How about on your bad (report) night/good sleep night you're getting increased pressure response to your leaks and the increased pressure allows you to go into or stay longer in REM. ???

Re: I don't get it...

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:28 am
by BrianinTN
I know saying this isn't remotely helpful to you, but I know exactly how you feel. It seems to me like my worst nights in terms of tossing and turning, waking up, and feeling awful the next morning/day are some of my lowest AHI nights. You may have something else going on with your sleep other than apnea. For me, I know I have periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), although I suspect that isn't the end of the story.

Re: I don't get it...

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:43 am
by robysue
rholmack wrote:I'll go back to my original dilemma: The top plot shown above had a small AHI and most of the plots look good, but I felt terrible all day. I was really tired and even fell asleep at work. The bottom plots don't look so good and my AHI was 14. I fell okay today even though I woke pretty early today. What gives? Anybody else have this occurring?

It seems to me that when I have a low number day I should be feeling better! Wouldn't that be what you'd expect?
As others have now hinted at and as I said in my first post:
robysue wrote:There's far more than AHI and leak rates that goes into the subjective quality of our sleep. Pain, restlessness, insomnia, congestion, weather, bedroom ambiance (in terms of temperature, humidity, and light), a bedpartner's problems, stress, level of physical activity, and more can effect the subjective quality of our sleep.
And Pugsy's mentioned another major difference: Total Time in Bed, and I'll add Total Time Asleep. On the "feel good, but bad AHI" days, you had significantly more time in bed and it's reasonable to conjecture more time asleep and hence felt better the next day.

And I'll also say this again:
So it could also be that on the nights where you are not sleeping well to begin with in terms of other issues, that you are sleeping light enough to not be spending significant times in REM or the deeper NREM stages where your apnea may be worse to begin with or you might be more (sub)consciously avoiding sleeping on your back---hence a lower AHI than you expect. ...

And in contrast---on the nights where nothing but the OSA is disturbing the quality of your sleep in any meaningful way? Well on those nights, you might have significantly more REM and more deep NREM, and/or you might spend significantly more time rolled onto your back---all of which could increase the AHI.