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Heated hoses

Aussie Heated Hose

"Sleepzone heated cpap tube" can be found at

Also carried by a U.S. online dealer:

Many have found a warm hose to be the best solution to prevent Rainout - condensation due to heated humidifier air cooling off during the trip through the cold plastic of the main air hose; the condensation then dripping on the face or gurgling inside a main air hose.

Zoo Med Repti Heat Cable

An affordable idea from p2pjunkie:

I've been looking at the Aussie heated hose, but $139 seemed offensive. I finally found the perfect affordable solution. The Zoo Med Repti heat cable (as in reptile). The cable is a super flexible silicone, it's light weight, and it has just the right amount of warmth (15watts) the same as the Aussie.

Their shortest cable is just about perfect for CPAP. It's 11.5ft long, but only 5 ft. of it is heated (I would have preferred 6ft, but close enough). The rest is just cord to run to an outlet.

As for safety, I figure if it's safe enough for an iguana to walk on it should be safe enough for me to sleep with. Just slip it into a hose cover, a wire tie on the rubber part of the hose and your good to go. Cost $9 on eBay plus $8 for shipping (shipping fees are also offensive)

I will definitely buy another iquana cable after we get the insurance money to rebuild the house which was burned down when I left for work and failed to unplug the cable.