Resmed S8 Vantage Auto- Questions on menu-Help, Help, Help!

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Resmed S8 Vantage Auto- Questions on menu-Help, Help, Help!

Post by smockb » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:05 am

Hi everyone, first time poster, long time lurker- Sleep doc prescribed Resmed S8 Vantage Auto for me after bugging the heck out of him, I had just the standard s8 machine and it was a pressure of 16, after 2 sleep tests this is what they determined I needed, Long story short- 3 masks later last two out of my pocket- never could get a good seal- I really wanted an auto because I felt it would help with the leaks by compensating for them- Long story short- the service provider never gave me any type of manual- I called them and they said it is all set up no need for a manual-

Can someone tell me- If I want to use it as a streight Cpap not auto adjusting how do you do that?

If I want to see what average pressure is through out the night how do you do that?

They said it was set up for 11-18 in auto mode- but I could never see the number on the screen change past 11-? worst night sleep I have had in 6mo- Felt like it wasent giving me any air- compaired to the streight Cpap?

Will be posting my story/History in the nxt week or so (long) it amazes me how we all have the same problems with Doc;s and service providers.


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S8 settings

Post by GoofyUT » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:19 am

Press and hold the left and right buttons for a few seconds to access your data.

DON'T press and hold the down and right buttons to access the clinical menu where the settings menu resides.

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Post by JCraig » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:25 am

Yeah don't do that. You're not a doctor. You'll die.

Machine: ResMed AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
Mask: AirFit™ P10 Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: 

Using built-in humidifier + auto-climate-control hose
8-13 CM
Unreated AHI: 111


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:16 am

You can also purchase the manuals from tis site.

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Post by ladytonya » Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:00 pm

You access the user menu by pressing the left and right buttons at the same time, like Goofy said. Arrow around and see what the different choices are. I look at my efficacy data every morning. That will tell you average pressure, leak rate, AHI, AI and HI. I have an Elite, not a Vantage, but I'm sure it is the same in both S8 models.

I didn't buy a clinical manual, I just went in to the clinical menu and played around a little without changing any settings until I saw what all you could change in there. Of course, I'm not a doctor, blah blah blah. Don't try this at home or you may die, blah blah blah. (at least that's what THEY want you to think!) Good Luck!

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Post by KansasRT » Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:39 pm

I don't think that any Dr or Rt in a Dr's office or Rt in a DME thinks you would die when you adjust your own CPAP. They just don't want to risk their medical license on it. And although there is a diverse group of sleep apnea patients on this site looking to educate themselves about their treatment and take the initiative to change it if it isn't working, there are just as many sleep apnea patients that simply don't care or do not want to take the time to learn about their treatment. There is a huge difference between someone downloading their machine and tracking how they feel, looking at apnea's,then changing their treatment to improve how they feel, and some one who is just changing their machine because a Dr or Rt showed them how. I think that websites like this are great, and love it when patients come in educated about OSA and CPAP. But somedays those people are few and far between. I know what I do to educate my CPAP patients, and I also know what certain other DME companies do to educate their patients. I would feel confident in some of my patients changing their settings, but not all patients can and want to. Knowing how other DME companies educate their patients, it would scare me to have them changing the settings on their machines. Sometimes, they don't even know the machine has a filter.

patient initiative

Post by patient initiative » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:22 pm

KansasRT wrote:And although there is a diverse group of sleep apnea patients on this site looking to educate themselves about their treatment and take the initiative to change it if it isn't working, there are just as many sleep apnea patients that simply don't care or do not want to take the time to learn about their treatment.

I would feel confident in some of my patients changing their settings, but not all patients can and want to. Knowing how other DME companies educate their patients, it would scare me to have them changing the settings on their machines. Sometimes, they don't even know the machine has a filter.
Well said! It's too bad all DMEs aren't as conscientious as KansasRT. Why is it that other DME companies don't educate their patients as well as the internet retailer

None of us would even be on this site if we hadn't been searching for the education and followup our DMEs did not provide. Yet Resmed comes along and says the opposite is true so they need to raise internet retailer prices by 40%. They've got it all wrong. If service was truly their concern, they would be penalizing those DMEs for providing woefully inadequate service and rewarding instead of the other way around.

Oh, the irony.