How is your health on CPAP?

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How is your health on CPAP?

Post by Lavendel » Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:41 pm

I am curious if anyone has noticed a decrease in illness since being on CPAP. I have been on CPAP for a year now & have not been sick once!! It has been absolutely amazing & wonderful. I was ALWAYS sick before with colds, pneumonia, etc. My dr. told me that this is not unusual to be more healthy now because the body needs to rest to heal & keep the immune system functioning at peak levels. I wasn't getting any real sleep for years before. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has noticed that they are staying healthier while on CPAP. I won't know what to do if I get a cold!

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Post by sgrol » Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:03 pm

Rarely get a cold anymore. I do have allergy symptoms once in a while. I have noticed that if my nose is stopped up, after a few minutes under the cpap pressure the sinuses clear up enough to comfortably use the cpap. Have been under cpap therapy for 4 years. Have slept without it once or twice and was miserable.

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Post by Suserbec » Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:40 am

I've definitely noticed an improvement. I am a teacher and by now I usually have missed several days due to sinus infections or bronchitis. Have only missed a half day so far and that was due to an allergy flareup. There have been two times since school started that I started getting a sore throat and feeling like a cold or sinus infection might be coming on. But using my humidifier at night has done wonders for me. I, too, will often go to bed at night with a stuffy nose and sleep great because of the humidifier.

There are some perks with this!
CPAP has saved my life!!

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wading thru the muck!
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Post by wading thru the muck! » Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:48 am

I've only been "using" for a month now but with 5 kids I'm expossed to every virus going around. So far this year I'm doing great.

My heated humidifier has also helped to keep my sinuses open. I usually had some adjustment time in the fall when the weather got cold and dry.
wading thru the muck of the sleep study/DME/Insurance money pit!