Allergies and Sleep Apnea with narrow nose bridge

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Allergies and Sleep Apnea with narrow nose bridge

Post by Pawsofwisdom » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:18 pm

I have tried so many masks my head is spinning. I could not go with the masks to cover both my nose and my mouth (I have been a mouth breather for years) the bridge of my nose is very thin. The mask rests on the bone and hurts within seconds, so those are out. The full face masks have not faired well.

I went with the cloth Sleepweaver mask before they changed the size and it worked pretty good. Guess what they changed the size and now it doesn't work. Oh yeah, I called their CS and I was told their customers wanted it changed. What am I??? I was told I would have to change to the Elan that I was just out of luck with the Sleepweaver. How nice!

So I have been using it (Elan cloth nose pillow) and the head gear will probably be worn out in month 3 to 4. Doesn't work as well so I am looking for suggestions.

I need something to cover both my mouth and nose without resting on the bridge of my nose. Nasal pillows and prongs make my allergies go nuts. SUGGESTIONS Please!!!!!
Thank you I really appreciate it and so does my fiance. We might both be able to get more sleep!


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Re: Allergies and Sleep Apnea with narrow nose bridge

Post by cosmo » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:24 pm


Total face mask?

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Re: Allergies and Sleep Apnea with narrow nose bridge

Post by Pawsofwisdom » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:55 pm

I did try a full face mask and had trouble with the seal breaking. It may have been a different model I could try and check into the one you posted. Do you know the model name or info?


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Re: Allergies and Sleep Apnea with narrow nose bridge

Post by cosmo » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:03 pm


Check this thread. Comes down to $60 from time to time. FitLife Total Face Mask

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Re: Allergies and Sleep Apnea with narrow nose bridge

Post by DreamStalker » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:21 pm

Pawsofwisdom wrote:Help!
I have tried so many masks my head is spinning. I could not go with the masks to cover both my nose and my mouth (I have been a mouth breather for years) the bridge of my nose is very thin. The mask rests on the bone and hurts within seconds, so those are out. The full face masks have not faired well.

I went with the cloth Sleepweaver mask before they changed the size and it worked pretty good. Guess what they changed the size and now it doesn't work. Oh yeah, I called their CS and I was told their customers wanted it changed. What am I??? I was told I would have to change to the Elan that I was just out of luck with the Sleepweaver. How nice!

So I have been using it (Elan cloth nose pillow) and the head gear will probably be worn out in month 3 to 4. Doesn't work as well so I am looking for suggestions.

I need something to cover both my mouth and nose without resting on the bridge of my nose. Nasal pillows and prongs make my allergies go nuts. SUGGESTIONS Please!!!!!
Thank you I really appreciate it and so does my fiance. We might both be able to get more sleep!
Can you elaborate on what allergies and how they go nuts?

As for mouth leaks, try the PapCap chinstrap. Some folks have methodolgies for taping your lips with minimal side effects. And others still are able to train themselves to keep their tongue planted firmly onto the roof of their mouth to mitigate mouth leaks.

Finding a comfortable mask that you can wear all night long without leaks is the KEY to successful therapy. Don't give up.
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Re: Allergies and Sleep Apnea with narrow nose bridge

Post by jencat824 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:24 pm

What about the Piliaro? It is a nasal pillow mask, but its different from most nasal pillows because it inflates gently around the nose. ... k-f-p.html

Another suggestion is a Hybrid such as the Innomed or Liberty below are links: ... -Mask.html ... dgear.html

You might also want to consider the Mirage Vista, it is a nasal mask & quite comfortable ... dgear.html

Another great mask is the Swift FX, esp with the Bella Loops its a great mask: ... -cpap.html

These are my best suggestions, don't know if they will work for you, but all will stay off the nasal bridge. I have a very narrow nose bridge, so I have a hard time getting a mask to fit. My first criteria is a mask that DOES NOT rest on the bridge of my nose. Both Hybrids fit that criteria, as well as help a mouth breather. I am getting ready to purchase the Innomed Hybrid, since I am having a lot of mouth breathing trouble. I have the Mirage Vista and I like it, but the headgear is hell on hair. I'm also looking in another direction, since my pressure is high (19cm), I may need another type of machine, probably not your issue, unless you have a high pressure. Also, I know you have allergies, and don't want nasal pillows, I used to feel that way too because I have allergies, but after using them & getting used to nasal pillows, I think they are a great alternative. I like the Piliaro & Swift FX best of all I have tried. I eased into nasal pillows using the Piliaro, then moved to the Swift FX & now think both are great masks, if I could just stop the mouthbreathing.

I found most of all, I needed to be open to trying new alternatives, even if I didn't think they would work. I've been surprised by how much I love the nasal pillows, they give you a sense of freedom, these masks don't touch the face as much and feel like you are not wearing a mask at all. My allergies seem better after a night of having air blown up my nose, don't know why it works that way, but it does for me.

Good luck,

Machine: PR System One REMStar 60 Series Auto CPAP Machine
Mask: AirFit™ P10 For Her Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Pressure Auto 12-20cm CPAP compliant since 2000
Other masks I've tried: *=liked, #= no way
Piliaro, SleepWeaver Elan*, Swift FX w&w/o Bella Loops#, OpitLife#,Simplicity*, Mirage Vista*, Go Life for Her#, IQ (original hg only)*, Quattro FX (barely)###, Wisp*, Nuance#, Swift LT for her**