I'm new to the forum but been lurking the past few weeks to get a better understanding of sleep apnea. This is a great community and I'm hopeful you will be able to help me get to grips with my CPAP machine as I've been struggling. For the first 10 days I couldn't get to sleep with the machine on, but eventually overcame that and have been managing to sleep most nights since then. However, my sleep quality hasn't improved yet (AHI score seems to be averaging around 7 since I started getting to sleep with it on 16th Feb).
Also, for about the past month, Aerophagia has been a growing problem, and has gotten much worse over the past week or so. I've been using a chin strap for 3 weeks to close my mouth a bit (not completely as I struggle to breathe completely through my nose) and have now started using a travel pillow to keep my chin away from my chest. I've also been taking anti-bloating tablets the past few days which haven't made much difference. It has now got to the stage where for the past few days I've been wakening up after a few hours of sleep and then not being able to get back to sleep so reverting to taking my mask off as my stomach is just full of air and I'm struggling to breathe even when using the ramp button.
Does anyone have any suggestions of changes I should perhaps make to the pressure settings on my machine? My apneas seem to be mainly hypopneas and from what I can understand they seem to happen more when the pressure is higher. Could lowering the pressure settings maybe help both reduce hypopneas and aerophagia? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Here are some details regarding my equipment:
Machine - Dreamstation with heated humidifier
Mask - F&P Evora Full face mask
Settings - Min pressure 4 / Max pressure 20
Here is a link to last night's report and my overview - https://imgur.com/a/KDHlGAv
Just a quick note regarding last night - I woke up at 5.45am, so data after that is just me laying awake trying to sleep with the mask on until I decided to take it off.
Thanks in advance!