Wash Before First Use???

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Re: Wash Before First Use???

Post by tbeb » Sat Feb 15, 2025 11:01 pm

Shutterbug57 wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:48 am
Do y’all wash masks and hoses prior to first use? At the sleep study, they just opened the package and used it. I am just curious what is normal practice.
I don’t.
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Re: Wash Before First Use???

Post by Conrad » Sun Feb 16, 2025 8:11 am

tisket wrote:
Sat Feb 15, 2025 9:02 am
The only thing we all know is that rudeness is alive and well on the internet, as is insulting people who ask a question. What is this, third grade?

Your common sense may very well be wrong.

From a Reddit thread on the subject:

"I worked in a sleep lab and we used cpap masks and tubing right after taking it out of the packaging without washing it first. "

"I don’t if buying real parts. They’re packed under sterile conditions and aren’t washed in the hospital before use. "

"I called Resmed and they said there's no need to wash the new supplies before use as they are sterilized and sealed before shipment. "

https://www.reddit.com/r/CPAP/comments/ ... ore_using/

Or old timers here:

viewtopic/t181748/Is-it-necessary-to-cl ... plies.html

In my case, I was counting the hours until the nasal mask came because the nasal pillows one was causing so much pain in my nostril that it was waking me up in the middle of the night. So washing the new nasal mask and letting it air dry for another night meant another night of pain and poor sleep. Neither option "made me comfortable". It was a question of whether it was necessary to wash the new one. I ended up washing it and suffering another night because the Philips instructions said to wash before first use (something I've never seen in mask instructions before that I can recall) and it's Philips, maker of toxic foam.
Why in the world would you have to wait an ENTIRE night for the mask that you just washed to dry before you use it? Shake the water off and it's good to go. Are you worried that your skin is going to get wet? I've done this very thing and used my P10 immediately after washing and had no ill effects in the morning.

As for my common sense being wrong? It may be from time to time but not in this case. My common sense says, wash the stuff or not, ether way is fine. You can't see this for yourself?
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Re: Wash Before First Use???

Post by ozij » Sun Feb 16, 2025 8:17 am

tisket wrote:
Sat Feb 15, 2025 9:02 am
I ended up washing it and suffering another night because the Philips instructions said to wash before first use (something I've never seen in mask instructions before that I can recall) and it's Philips, maker of toxic foam.
Coming to think of it, that first mask of mine from 20 years ago? that caused my skin irritation? It was a Respironics mask.

Mask: AirFit™ P10 Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Machine: Resmed AirSense10 for Her with Climateline heated hose ; alternating masks.
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Re: Wash Before First Use???

Post by Julie » Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:12 am

Air dry is one thing, but why not just pat it with a clean towel and then check for fibers?

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Re: Wash Before First Use???

Post by tisket » Sun Feb 16, 2025 10:27 am

The manufacturer specifically says "Let the mask components air dry completely," contrary to someone's "common sense."

That said, they also say to hand wash all non-fabric parts every day. I don't see being able to do that unless and until I'm retired. I'm often late to work as it is.
ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset, Aloha nasal pillow mask using HoseBuddy for overhead hose management, Nexcare paper tape for mouth

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Re: Wash Before First Use???

Post by GrandmaA » Sun Feb 16, 2025 11:36 am

tisket wrote:
Sun Feb 16, 2025 10:27 am
The manufacturer specifically says "Let the mask components air dry completely," contrary to someone's "common sense."

That said, they also say to hand wash all non-fabric parts every day. I don't see being able to do that unless and until I'm retired. I'm often late to work as it is.
I just noticed that on my instructions. The non-fabric parts every day- hand agitate for 10 minutes LOL! - and the fabric headgear once a week. They can't be serious. They must have gotten sued by people who got sinus infections or reinfested with their own head lice or something and the lawyers make them do that.

I agree with the common sense method. I don't wear hair products or face makeup or anything that would get the headgear particularly gross. I don't use the humidifier so probably less chance of mold growth in the non-fabric parts although there is some chance just from exhaled moisture.

The instructions that came from my CPAP provider (not the mask manufacturer) are to replace the mask with a new one every two weeks! Why wash it every day if I'm just going to replace it that frequently? Or is that just a way for the company to rake in the money? I understand the silicone cushion degrades with time but two weeks seems short. And they want me to replace all the non-fabric parts every three months and get a new headgear every six months.

I'm real new to this though, who knows maybe they're right. I think I'll figure out my own wash and replacement schedule though.

Machine: Luna G3 APAP
Mask: ResMed AirTouch™ N20 Nasal CPAP Mask with Headgear
Additional Comments: Not using humidifier at this time

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Re: Wash Before First Use???

Post by D.H. » Sun Feb 23, 2025 10:39 am

I soak the piece that comes into direct contact with my face in vinegar for several hours. That seems to cut down on the allergic properties of the those pieces, and doesn't' seem to shorten it's useful life.

I never washed the other parts, but you should if you're concerned.

Additional Comments: Auto PAP; 13.5 cmH2O min - 20 cmH2O max