Acne and the Mask

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Acne and the Mask

Post by ldemmery » Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:33 pm

I suppose I should have posted this here:

I've been using my CPAP for about 3 almost 4 weeks. I wash my face every night as directed.

Since starting I've been breaking out around the nasal area. My nose is verrrrrry red at the moment (more than usual - just blowing my nose normally turns my nose red). I am allergic to pure soap like IVORY. I use a non-soap containing cleanser to wash my face and then swab down with T-pads prescribed by my doctor. I make sure everything is dry before I put my mask on.

Anyone else having problems with acne?

Lynne (in Ottawa, Ont. Canada)


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Post by wading thru the muck! » Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:33 pm

I use a non-soap containing cleanser to wash my face and then swab down with T-pads prescribed by my doctor. I make sure everything is dry before I put my mask on.
I've noticed when my Activa mask is completely dry it irritates my skin. I think the soft silicone gets too sticky and is abrasive on the skin.

Try to keep a thin layer of moisture on the mask and see if that helps the irritation and acne.
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red and sore face

Post by RAWTSgirl » Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:02 pm

Hi Wader,

I started with my cpap last night and have an activa mask too. After 2 hours I woke up because my skin was sore where the mask was hitting it. Tyring to see if any amazing people had alrady addressed this topic I went to the archives and found your message where you said you keep a thin layer of moisture on the mask.

I know this might be a silly question (And yes I am a trainer so I know there are no silly questions) but could you clarify that a but more for me.

I am really keen to implement cpap into my life as soon as possible.

Also I was wondering does any one else wear a mouthguard for teeth grinding with their masks? Has this caused any problems?

Many thanks
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Post by Nenetx2004 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:45 pm


What do you use as moisture? Just a bit of dampness on your skin from water or do you use some kind of actual moisturizer.

The one thing I've found that I absolutely have to do is make sure every bit of of makeup is off my face (Wader, I know that's probably not an issue for you! ). Otherwise, I get a raised, sore spot on either side of my nose for a few days.



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Post by WillSucceed » Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:49 pm

I wear a biteguard and it does not create a problem at all. Make sure to take your biteguard with you when trying on new masks at the equipment provider.

With the Activa, check to see that the bellows (the part of the Activa that moves between the rigid plastic frame and the section that creates the seal around your nose) is neither fully expanded open nor fully collapsed when you have the mask on. I have found that even with a "shallow" size mask and the piece that rests against my forehead moved fully forward, the top part of the bellows (where it seals at the bridge of my nose) was fully collapsed and, because of this, the pressure on the bridge of my nose was excessive/painful. I've added foam spacers to the two pieces of silicone that rest against my forehead so that the mask is slightly further away from my face, allowing the bellows to be open enough that the mask can move as it is intended.

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Post by wading thru the muck! » Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:54 pm


Wow I forgot I even posted that one (almost 2 months ago). You've come to the right place though. As far as the moisture if you use a heated humidifier it will take care of itself. Otherwise just wipe a little water on the soft silicone part on the mask before yoy put it on. That soft silcone can get sticky when it's dry and the natural pulsing of the Activa seems to me could cause abrasions. I've also recently read that some people are sensitive certain chemicals impregnated in the plastic. If you soak the mask in warm soapy water for several hours this will accelerate these chemicals being removed from the mask. (as the instructions read)

As far as the mouth guard, yes I also happen to wear one and have longer than I've used cpap. The tech when I did my sleep study made me sleep without it. Luckily my teeth survived. I think the mouth guard can actually serve in some cases to improve the apnea symptoms. There are actually dental devices that purport to prevent apnea though with limited success. If you wear a mouth guard it should have no negative effect on your cpap therapy.
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Post by RAWTSgirl » Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:09 pm

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the advice.

Perhaps it was because I did not have my humidifier on at all for the first couple of hours. I am kind of anxious about breathing in hot air - I don't like that sensation in my nose.

I was also wondering if it was too tight and it was not inflating like it is supposed to. It was fitted tighter than I remember at the hospital and I did loosen it and it seemed better.

Have a good day.
Ready And Waiting To Sleepgirl